12. Morning mishaps

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What happens when you forget to pull the curtains of your windows at night?

Well, until you are in the second floor of a ship and the windows of your room are facing the sea, nothing major happens except the peeping in of early morning rays and their scattering over your face to hamper the sweet, peaceful slumber of your life.

Yes, 'sweet' and 'peaceful' are those two adjectives I was using for my sleep, becoz 'sleep' really happened to me last night.

And I have no qualms in admitting that it happened becoz of Dev. No matter how mad I was at him, his proximity worked wonders on me and I relapsed into greater depths of time without the need of any kind of sedatives at all!

His touches had removed the necessity of sleeping pills from my life.

But for how long? Only 8 days right? Of which 1 day had already slept out of hands!!

Damn! Why couldn't he just stay with me for ever? Was it so necessary to choose Priyanka over me? What had he found in that woman that I couldn't give him all my life??

Don't be irrational, Nitara. Love simply happens and you are no one to question about it. Mind wisely probbed from the back.
I just hummed silently since I found no better words in reply to this true, bittersweet remark of hers.

With a lone sigh and a sincere intention of rubbing away all these negetivities from head, I decided to begin my day with a soothing warm shower. However, as I tried to get up from my place, I realised what trap I had been in for so long.

Not to mention, that trap had been created by both my babies and neither of them was willing to leave me any soon.

The little one was still flexible upto some extent, she wriggled away from me upon applying slight efforts. But the bigger one showed no response and kept sleeping on his tummy like an absolute rhino.

Old habits and all.


"Dev.... get up." Turning my neck a little bit, I mumbled in his ears while trying my best to remove his hand from my waist.

-"Hmmm.." he just groaned lazily. The movement of his hands told that he had tightend his clutches.

To add further effects, his warm hand crawled under the hem my camisole and rested in there as if he owned that place since birth.

"Dev? Remove your hands please!!" I gritted angrily. His artistic long fingers were turning the whole zoo upside down in my tummy and I knew that if this continued for long, I would have surely ended up surrendering myself before him.

Not done. I reminded myself and tried to pull out his hands.

-"What is wrong with you Tara? Why aren't you letting me sleep??" He murmured in a super complaining tone that sounded nothing but cute.

God! How was I even supposed yo resist him!!

"GET UP, sleepy duck." I hit his chest with my elbow, as a result to which he attacked my legs with his longer ones, intermingling with them totally and claiming over me with an authority, unmatched.

"What is this Dev? Get up na!!" I shouted again.

-"Why are you being so complaining? You were never like this, Tara." He whinned against my hairs, making me feel loved and irritated at the same time.

"I need to go to the washroom okay?" I huffed out of struggle. "And its really urgent."

-"Urgent?" He cared to loosen his holds now. "What happened?" His sleepy face overflowed with a sudden stress.

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