11. The alpha male

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"Ma'm, those parsi works on the dupatta..."

"Kriti, can we please discuss this matter tomorrow?...I am not in a state of mind and I can't keep repeating this to you again and again! Please understand that already!!!" I blasted upon the young intern whose only fault was that she had called me to discuss about the left out portions of Amaya Malik's wedding project.

What do you think? It was so unprofessional of me? And unethical too?? Well, I knew all of it. But guess what? I had no other choice. After whatever happened in the evening, my system had almost stopped functioning and Kriti should have better known that before making the phone call!

"I understand ma'm." She said to break my reverie. "Good night ma'm. Sleep tight."

A part of me wished to reply her the same..or atleast reply with a small 'hmm'. But sadly, neither any word nor that stupid buzzing sound came out of me and I just disconnected the call and banged the receiver upon its dial.

With this, I tossed myself to turn to the other side and pressed my eyelids against the sockets, trying my best to grab some undisturbed sleep. Lol, I had totally forgotten that I had got insomnia...I-N-S-O-M-N-I-A.... the sleeping disorder that was one of the unmatched gifts I had ever receieved from Dev!


Where the hell was he? Why wasn't he there in my room yet??

He had neither shifted to Priyanka's room or into any other room for that matter.... even his luggages were still resting here but he had no trace to show! I couldn't understand what was he even trying to do. Was he showing me his attitude?? Hadn't he had enough of it already?

That jerk...

I got up in a jiffy. Coco was sleeping beside me. I covered her up with the duvet and stepped down from the bed, slid my feet in my bunny slippers, wrapped a stole over my camisole and walked out of my room to head for the deck.

May be I wasn't going to find him over there...may be he was still busy sitting inside Priyanka's room, sharing drinks with her and bragging about how miserable his life had turned due to me. Whatever it was, I still decided to get him back to his own room...not becoz I was missing him or something.. but becoz I needed to talk with him.. I needed closure.. pretty badly infact.


The winds were rather strong when I reached the deck.

Amidst those fiery winds and the darkness of night, I found my Dev standing against the railing at a far-away corner with a burning piece of cigarette tucked between his slightly parted lips.

The red hot end of that cigarette, contrasted against the dark canvas of the sky, hammered such a nail in my heart that I shivered up from within.

The red hot end of that cigarette, contrasted against the dark canvas of the sky, hammered such a nail in my heart that I shivered up from within

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