18. Lost and found

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"Nitzy baby, YOU ARE DOING the couple dance with Dev and thats final." Amaya orderded like a boss while twirling around in her baby pink pearl & satin lahenga. "This lahenga looks gorgeous though." She said again as she took a closer look at the pearl works on her chest region, possibly for the nth time that day.

" She said again as she took a closer look at the pearl works on her chest region, possibly for the nth time that day

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'That I already know!' I wanted to say. And perhaps, wanted to add a mean smiley too. But then I was no vamp to ruin somebody's happiness like that, I exchanged the mean smile with a soft, goofy one and said to her-
"Glad you liked it."

"Liked?" Amaya rolled her eyes to this. "I absolutely loved it Nitara....just the way I love You!"

And there she was back to her PDA mode again!


"Err... I love yo.."

"Hey. Don't... I mean I know you don't love me, but trust me.. I have no hard feelings regarding it." She blabbed quickly before stretching her lips into a genuinely warm smile, something that made me feel guilty within no time.

"No. I seriously love you." I blinked my eyes so that she smiled brighter.

"Eeeee" She chuckled like a kid as she flung her arms around my neck and placed an arbitary kiss on my cheek. "You are so good Tara. But I am so sorry to not to listen to you.... your couple dance with Dev.. its still on hold. And the best part is that its not going to get cancelled anytime soon!"


"There is no need to cancel it. Tara WILL do the dance with Dev... Hai na Tara baby?" Raima spoke from the back.

That back stabber!

I just glared at her while she ignored all of it royally and placed a glass in my hands. "Your favourite honey and almond milkshake, made upon special orders. Have it." She said with a wink at the end.

"Get lost you two. I am neither having this milkshake, nor going to dance on that stage with Dev!" Angrily, I spat at both of them.

And in return, I got their mean chuckles.

"Getting hyper won't help Tara. So you better do what you are told to." Raima stuck out her tongue at me and left for her dance rehersals with her new made best friend.

Yes, she had changed sides to ditch me big time.

And guess what? She wasn't even guilty about it!

Ughh.. she was really the back stabber.. the female version of Brutus!!.... quite natural why I hated her so much!!

Dejected and frustrated, I placed my elbows upon the iron railings and looked at the ocean ahead. As such there was nothing particular to see. It was the water, water and only water. Yeah, sometimes we got to see the magnificient view of the sun drowning in that water or just rising up from it. But that was it. There was no horizon to witness.. for the past four days... and it still felt beautiful. Strange type of beautiful if I may add.

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