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'You looked up at the sky with a bright smile on your face as you watched the clouds go by. You then felt a warm hand on your shoulder, and looked up at your father, your short hair swishing in the wind. You smiled.

"Daddy!" You exclaimed as you hugged your father. Your father smiled, and hugged you back.

"Y/N, lunch is ready." Your father informed. You smiled, and nodded. You then ran towards your awaiting mother, who held her stomach. You were told that you were going to be a big sister. Your mother smiled, and stood up from the chair that was situated on the porch.

"Are you ready to eat?" Your mother questioned. You nodded eagerly, and ran to the table. Your mother and father laughed, and sat down at the table. For lunch, there was egg salad, and roasted ham. Although you and your family lived out in the countryside, you were happy. You had always wanted a younger brother or sister. You looked up at your parents as you all ate, and swallowed your food.

"Mommy, daddy, when will the baby be born?" You questioned, your E/C eyes glistening in curiosity. Your mother smiled, and held her stomach.

"Your baby brother will arrive in almost two weeks." Your mother informed. You smiled, and continued to eat the ham.

"I can't wait!" You exclaimed.

Two weeks later, your mother screamed in pain as she gave birth to your younger brother. You watched with wide eyes as your mother panted. Your father had called a doctor over, and stood by your mother's side as the nurse cleaned the baby. You watched with curious eyes as the baby was washed. The nurse then handed the baby to your mother. Your mother cried tears of joy as she held her new born son. She then looked over at you, and smiled.

"Come here, and meet your new baby brother." Your mother told. You nodded, and slowly walked over to your mother. You then looked at your baby brother, who looked squeamish. You then looked up at your mother, and saw her nod. You climbed onto the bed, and gently held the new born. Your brother immediately started crying once he was separated from his mother. You started to panic.

"W-what do I do!?" You questioned. Your mother smiled, and took your brother. For a four-year-old, you weren't too experienced with carrying babies, other than the dolls your mother made for you. You watched as your brother calmed at being in his mother's arms. "What's his name?" Your father rested his hand on his wife's shoulder, and smiled.

"We've decided to call him, B/N." Your father told. You looked at your brother, and smiled.

"B/N. I'll always love him!" You exclaimed with a grin.

It had been three months ever since your brother was born, and you had been watching over him like the good big sister you were. It was that night, that things started to go downhill. You cried out as men in black smashed through the windows. Your father got up in alarm, and turned towards you.

"Go with your mother, and hide somewhere safe." Your father told you sternly. You nodded fearfully, and ran with your mother, who was carrying your brother, out the back door. Your father stood in front of the men in black with a shot gun. The men in black smirked, and pulled out guns of their own. Your father gasped, and cried out in pain as one of the men shot him. You halted your steps, and froze when you heard gunfire. Tears then started to roll down your eyes. Your mother held in her tears, and grabbed your small hand.

"Come now, Y/N. We must get out of here." Your mother told. You looked up at your mother.

"But, what about daddy?" You questioned. Your mother looked to the side.

"He'll catch up with us. Now, come on. We must go." You followed your mother outside of the house, but gasped when you saw a group of black men come out of the woods. In their hands, were guns. You started trembling in fear. You mother had a horrified look on her face as the men in black aimed their guns at her. "NO!" Your mother cried as she turned around, and took the fire. You gasped as your mother fell forward.

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