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You heard voices surrounding you, and struggled to open your eyes.

"Will she be alright?" A voice questioned.

"Yes, she should be just fine. She was lucky that the sword only pierced her through the exact middle of her chest, missing all of her vital organs." Another voice answered. You then felt someone hold your hand.

"Will big sis be alright?" You heard another voice question. You then realised that it was your brother's voice. You had to reassure him that you were alright. You groaned, and slowly opened your eyes. You then looked around, and saw your brother, 'mother', and 'father' surround you with relieved looks. Your eyes then widened.

"Where am I!?" You questioned, then hissed in pain, and fell back. Your family gasped.

"Y/N. You shouldn't move too much. You are in a very fragile state." A man told. You looked at him, and raised your eyebrow.

"Who are you?" You questioned. The man smiled.

"My name is Doctor Baker. I've been monitoring you while you slept." Dr Baker told. You nodded.

"How long have I been out?" You questioned. Dr Baker smiled.

"For about a week now." Doctor Baker told. Your eyes widened. You then sighed.

"A week, huh?" Dr Baker nodded.

"Yes, a young robot boy by the name of Astro brought you here." Dr Baker informed. Your eyes widened.

"Astro?" You questioned. You then frowned. 'If he brought me here, then he knows my secret. He knows that I'm an assassin. I have to silence him.' You looked up, and sat up. Your brother's eyes widened.

"W-wait, big sis! You can't get out of bed yet! You're injured!" Your brother cried. You smiled, and ruffled his hair.

"I'm alright, B/N. I need to go thank Astro for saving my life." You lied. You hated lying to your brother, but you had to do what was necessary. Dr Baker shook his head.

"No need. If you want to see him, then I shall call him here. Wait a moment." Dr Baker then left the room. You frowned, and turned to your 'family'.

"Mother, father, take B/N and go home." You told. Your 'mother' frowned, and shook her head.

"No! I'm not leaving while my baby is stuck in the hospital!" Your 'mother' cried. You sighed.

"Leave, please. I want to be alone." You told. Your 'mother' was about to object, but your 'father' rested his hand on her shoulder, and shook his head. Your 'mother' sighed, and walked over to you. She then kissed you on the head, and smiled.

"I hope that you get well soon." Your 'mother' told. You smiled slightly, and nodded. Even if she was a fake, she treated you like you were her real daughter. Your 'family' then left, leaving you alone. You sighed, and slowly got out of bed. You walked over to your window, and watched the sunset.

Astro was chatting with his sister when he heard the phone ring. He heard Nora answer it, and saw her walk over to him.

"It's for you." Nora told. Astro nodded, and walked over to the phone. His eyes then widened when he saw that it was Dr Baker.

"Dr Baker! How is Y/N? Is she awake yet?" Astro questioned. Dr Baker nodded.

"Yes, and she wants to see you." Dr Baker told. Astro nodded.

"Oh, I'll be there right away!" Astro told. Zoran walked over to him as Astro hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Zoran questioned. Astro turned to her.

Astro boy x Assassin readerWhere stories live. Discover now