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You sighed as you zoned out, ignoring miss Penelopy as she taught math. Astro glanced at you, and frowned. He then flicked a bit of paper at you. A tick mark appeared on your head, and you slowly looked at him while your eye twitched.

"What!?" You whispered. Astro pointed to miss Penelopy as she wrote some equations on the bored. You rolled your eyes, and looked away. Ever since Astro found out about your occupation, he hasn't left you alone since. Everytime you went to and from school, he'd be watching your every move. He even tried to convince you to give up your occupation, but you refused. Miss Penelopy then turned around, and smiled.

"Okay, now who shall I get to answer this question." The teacher wondered. She looked around the class room, and saw you and Astro having a stare off. She then smiled. "Y/N! Would you please come up, and answer the question?" Your eyes widened as you were called up. You then heard Astro snickering, and flicked him on the forehead as you walked by him. Astro rubbed his forehead while frowning. You took the pen from the teacher, and eyed the question. You frowned. You were an assassin, not a mathematician. The teacher sighed, and tsked. "You should have been listening, Y/N. Astro, would you mind showing Y/N how it's done?" Astro smiled, and stood up.

"Not at all!" Astro exclaimed. He then walked over to you, and took the pen from your hand. He then solved the equation in a matter of seconds. You scowled as Astro smiled at you confidently. You then kicked him from behind his legs, causing him to fall backwards. You then stomped to your seat, and sat down. You looked at Astro, and smirked. Astro saw your smirk, and frowned. He then got up as the class laughed, including his friends. Astro gave his friends a look. "Traitors." He muttered. His friends smiled, and shrugged. Astro sighed, and sat in his seat.

Later that day, the teacher was calling out the people who would be partnering up on their homeroom assignment. You sighed in boredom as you looked out the window. Astro meanwhile, was chatting with his friends.

"So, who do you want to be partnered up with?" Ajeero questioned. Astro shrugged.

"I don't know. I wouldn't mind being paired up with you guys." Astro told. Kennedy frowned.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Kennedy questioned as he playfully punched Astro. Astro laughed. The teacher stood in front of everyone, and smiled.

"Alright, I'm going to announce the pairings that you'll be put in. First up, Ajeero, you'll be paired up with Abercrombie, Steven, you'll be paired up with..." You tuned the teacher out as she went through the names of everyone in your class. You sighed, and thought about jumping out through the window. "And Y/N, you'll be paired up with Astro." You choked on your own spit, and looked at the teacher in disbelief.

"Say what now?" You questioned. Astro grinned, and smiled at you.

"Looks like we're paired up together." Astro told, seeming a little too happy about it. You glanced at him, and groaned as you laid your head on your desk.

After school, you mentally beat yourself up as you and Astro walked home together. 'How the hell did I end up allowing this fool into my house?' You questioned. Astro smiled, and turned towards you.

"I wonder what your family's like. Are they assassins like you?" Astro questioned. You gasped, and covered his mouth with your hand.

"You idiot! Don't say it out loud! What if someone heard you!?" You whispered as you looked around. Astro gave you an apologetic look.

"Sorry." Astro apologized. You sighed, and uncovered his mouth. You then looked away.

"To answer your question from before, no. They're not assassins. In fact, they don't even know that I'M an assassin." You told. Astro frowned. He then walked in front of you, and stopped. You stopped, and raised your eyebrow at him. "What?" Astro continued to frown.

Astro boy x Assassin readerWhere stories live. Discover now