The cultural festival

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You watched as everyone got ready for the culture festival. You then saw Astro's group walk in with a box of outfits.

"The outfits are ready!" One of the girls exclaimed. You sighed, it had been a couple of days. The group went around, handing everyone their own respectable outfit in their own sizes. Astro walked up to you, and grinned as he held out a maid's dress. You eyed the dress with a frown. The skirt went just above your knees, and it was an orange colour with frills at the bottom. It showed your shoulders, and had sleeve straps connected around your arms. You raised your eyebrow.

"Um, is this the outfit?" You questioned. Astro nodded, and handed it to you.

"Go on, try it on! I think you'll look cute in it." Astro told. You sighed, and grabbed the dress from him. You then walked to the girl's changing rooms, and put on the dress. After you put on the dress, you looked at your reflection. The dress was a bit shorter than you expected with it reaching just below your mid thigh. You sighed, and placed the head band on. You then made your way back towards the classroom, and saw that everyone had changed into their outfits. Astro saw you, and smiled. "Y/N!" Astro then froze when he saw you in the outfit, and he felt his face redden. Suddenly, steam burst out his ears as the lights in his eyes started flickering on and off. Your eyes widened as Astro cried out, and ran past you. You raised your eyebrow while Ajeero, Kennedy, and Abercrombie sighed.

"Here we go again." Abercrombie muttered. You turned towards the three, and made your way over to them.

"What do you mean?" You questioned. The three of them glanced at each other, then at you.

"Well, let's just say that this has happened before. Astro usually get's like this when he has a crush on someone, but this has only ever happened once. Since you ARE his girlfriend, it's no surprise that he'd get like this." Kennedy explained. Your eyes widened.

"Wait, he TOLD YOU!?" You exclaimed. The three of them nodded.

"Of course! He IS our best friend." Ajeero told. You sighed, and held your forehead.

"That idiot." You muttered. You then turned towards the exit. "I'm gonna go find him." The three of them nodded, and watched as you ran off.

Astro sat behind a tree, trying to calm his racing heart. He then sighed.

"Why did I have to go and run off like that?" Astro questioned. He then heard his name being called.

"Astro! Sigh, where did that idiot go?" You muttered. Astro breathed in, and stood up. He was then about to make his way towards you, but froze. To him, you looked stunning. You heard someone approach you, and turned to see Astro staring at you. You raised your eyebrow, and walked up to him. You then rested your hands on your hips. "There you are. Why'd you run off earlier?" You questioned. Astro was snapped out of his trance, and blushed deeply.

"I-I, uh," You sighed, and flicked him on the forehead.

"Are you malfunctioning?" You questioned. Astro rubbed his forehead, and shook his head.

"No! I-it's just, you look beautiful in that outfit." Astro muttered as he refused to meet your eyes. It was your turn to blush, and you looked away. You then glanced back at him, and took his hand.

"C-come on. We need to get back to the classroom and open up." You told. Astro blushed, and nodded. He then allowed you to drag him back to the classroom.

It had been three days, and the cultural festival was now underway. You sighed in misery as you served customers. Abercrombie frowned at your lack of enthusiasm.

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