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You sighed, it had been three days since you and Astro had your fight. It was very awkward when you both worked on your project together. Every time Astro would look at you, he would look down. You knew that look, because he was looking at a killer. You sighed again, and stood up.

"Astro." You told. Astro hummed in acknowledgement. You clenched your knuckles. "Um, I need help on this one bit." Astro sighed, and looked over at your work, which wasn't much. You fidgeted as he read through what you had so far. He then frowned.

"You haven't even finished the introduction yet. It's like this is your first time writing an essay." You looked down in shame.

"Actually, it is my first time." You admitted. Astro gaped at you.

"Seriously!? What school did you go to!?" Astro questioned. You fidgeted some more.

"Um, none? I didn't exactly go to school till now." You told. Astro froze. He then sighed.

"Guess I have no choice. I'll help you on your assignment." You smiled.

"Thank you." You thanked. Astro blushed, and looked away. He then looked at the work.

"N-no problem." Astro stuttered. You looked at your work, and listened to Astro as he explained to you what to do. You nodded, and wrote down what he told you to. After a bit of writing was done, you smiled. You then heard Astro's phone ring, and saw him get up to answer it. "Hello?" You saw his expression change to a serious one, and saw him nod. "I see. Yeah, I'll be there right away! Got it!" Astro then hung up, and ran to the window of his house. "I gotta go! See ya!" Astro waved at you, and flew off. You were about to wave back, but held your hand, and sighed. You then saw Zoran walk in.

"Hey, Y/N." Zoran greeted. You smiled slightly.

"Hey, Zoran." Zoran looked towards the open window.

"Let me guess, Astro went off towards the ministry of science?" Zoran questioned. You shrugged.

"Probably." You then felt your phone buzz, and fear crossed your face. You slowly took out your phone, and saw that you had to go to head quarters. You clenched your phone in your hands, and stood up. "I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow." You waved goodbye, and ran past a confused Zoran. You didn't know why, but you were afraid. You ran towards head quarters, and changed into your work outfit. You then slowly walked to Bartus's office, and opened the door. Bartus turned towards you, and smiled.

"Ah, good. You're here. There's been a change in plans, you'll be attacking tonight." Bartus told. Your eyes widened.

"What? But why!?" You questioned. Bartus raised his eyebrow.

"Hmm, how odd. You never questioned my orders till now. What brought up the sudden change in attitude?" Bartus questioned. You froze, and looked away. Bartus sighed. "You will attack at midnight, understood?" You nodded.


You waited at Ainsworth's house, and felt your phone buzz, signalling the start of the mission. You slowly entered the room, your hood covering your face, and drew your sword. You then gasped when the lights suddenly turned on, and you were hit from behind. You flew towards the wall, and felt your back crack against the pressure. You then gripped your sword, and ran at your attacker. You and your attacker had a battle of strength, but you were pushed back with almost little effort. You growled, and looked at your attacker's face. You then gasped at who it was. Astro glared at you, and charged towards you. You jumped out of the way. 'Why? Why is Astro here!?' You thought. Your eyes then widened when he grabbed you.

"I've got you now!" Astro shouted. His eyes then widened. "What? Why do you feel... human?" Astro questioned. Your eyes widened when you realised that Astro didn't know who you were yet. Astro held you up by your collar. You trembled. You then kicked his arm, and ran towards the window. When you opened the window, a gust of wind blew your hood off, revealing your face. Astro gasped. "Y/N...? But, why?" You turned towards him, and looked down in sorrow.

Astro boy x Assassin readerWhere stories live. Discover now