Running from the birthplace of sinners

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You panted as you and Astro ran from the horde of robots. You looked behind you, and saw that the robots were catching up. You groaned, and took out your sword.

"We should just beat em all to a pulp!" You told. Astro shook his head.

"No, that'll take too long! We should just focus on trying to escape this place." Astro reasoned. You rolled your eyes, and looked ahead.

"Have I ever told you that you come up with the worst ideas?" You questioned. Astro grinned. You both then saw the exit, and smiled. As you both got closer to the exit, another horde of robots blocked your path. You sighed, and took out your sword. "So, plan B?" You questioned. Astro turned towards you, and nodded.

"Like we have any choice." Astro then faced one of the robots, and started taking them down. You were about to face a robot until you noticed that they only went for Astro. You looked at them in confusion.

"Hold on, why are they only going after you?" You questioned.

"It must be because of the bet!" Astro told as he struggled to take down the robots who were ganging up on him. You nodded as you sliced the head off one of the robots. You then kicked a robot off of Astro, and stood behind him.

"There are too many of them!" You cried as you took down another robot. Astro narrowed his eyes as he looked at the robots. He then raised his arm.

"Stay behind me." Astro ordered. You nodded, and leaned on his back. Astro then fired up his laser canon, and fired it at the robots. You made sure to stay behind him as he turned around, obliterating all the robots. Once all of the robots were obliterated, you stood back, and high fived your robot friend.

"Nice!" You exclaimed. A robot then appeared behind you, and knocked you to the side. Astro gasped.

"Y/N!" He then turned to the robot who knocked you out of the way. "Hey! Did you know that it's against the robot laws to harm a human!?" Astro shouted. The robot didn't respond. It only attacked Astro. Astro growled, and defended himself from the robot. You groaned, and slowly sat up. You shook your head, and saw Astro destroy the robot who knocked you to the side. Your eyes widened.

"Oh, so it's okay for you to destroy your own kind but not me?" You questioned as Astro helped you up.

"Robots can be fixed and rebuilt." Astro stated as you both ran towards the exit. You rolled your eyes. You then saw a laser narrowly miss you, and paled.

"You know, if I had never met you, that near death experience wouldn't have affected me." You admitted. Astro sweat dropped.

"Well, that's a little concerning." Astro told. He then ducked, avoiding a laser. He then turned around, and fired his own lasers at the robots behind you. You raised your eyebrow.

"Why not use that omega laser that you have?" You questioned. Astro shook his head.

"Can't, consumes too much energy." Astro stated as you and him reached the doors. Astro kicked the doors down, and grabbed you. You both then flew out of the guild. You looked back, and saw that the robots didn't follow you. You sighed in relief. Astro looked at you, and smiled. Suddenly, he started to go lower. You raised your eyebrow at Astro.

"What's wrong?" You questioned. He gave you a tired look.

"My... energy..." Astro told. Your eyes widened. He then lowered himself to the ground, and collapsed. You fell to the ground, and quickly crawled over to him. You then started to shake the robot.

"Astro, ASTRO!" You called. You then saw him look up at you, and smile tiredly.

"I'm... okay... but... I'm really... low on... energy..." Astro told. He then closed his eyes. Your eyes widened. You then sighed.

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