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Right this isn't a fairly large chapter, a filler I guess you could say because I didn't actually know where I was going with it...
I also have an announcement, my very nosey Boyfriend read this, OMG! Fair enough, I let him, but he's a Mong anyways!
He's reading it because he doesn't want me to write smut... Does anyone want me to add detailed smut? I'm tempted to write some just to toot him off.. 😝 hehe. Wuv woo Jakey! ❤️❤️

Harry was shocked. He tensed. Draco had just KISSED him. He didn't know what to do. Of course, he had wanted this for two years, but now that it happened he didn't know what to do. How do you even kiss!?

Draco got worried, he wasn't kissing back and he thought maybe it was the wrong thing to do, maybe kissing Harry was a stupid thing to do.

He thought that until Harry's lips got softer and his lips started to move against his.

Their lips moved for a couple of minutes in a sync, butterflies erupting in their stomachs.

The they pulled apart from one another.

"I Uhm.. Harry... I..." Draco started.

"That was Uhm... Wow...?" Harry questioned.

Draco nodded, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"So, I'll see you later then, yeah?" Draco asked.

"Y-yeah.. Lat.. Later sounds g..good!" Harry stuttered.

Draco quickly stumbled away, cursing to himself. He was glad he did it, of course he was, then Harry went and have him a heart attack thinking that he didn't like him back.

Maybe Draco should take him on a date. The first task was in just less than a week, maybe it wasn't the best idea yet.

Draco made his way back to his common room and Pansy pounced on him as he walked through the portrait.

"Where have you been DrakeyPoos? I've missed you Sooo much!" She squealed.

Draco pushed her off. "I was just walking about, it's got nothing to do with you."

"You wasn't with another girl was you?" She asked.

Draco shook his head. "Of course not."

"Oh. Okayy, gooood! I'm off to bed. Nighty nights Draco, love you!"

"Yeah, whatever.."

And Pansy skipped off towards her dorm.

Draco sank in the green leather sofa that was pointing towards the cracking fire. He was so confused. Part of him wanted to run back to the hospital wing and kiss Harry again, but then he thought of his Father and the dark lord. What would they say? His father would disown him, maybe murder him. Draco wouldn't be surprised if he did murder him. A quick Avada Kedevra and he would be dead.

He couldn't be thinking like this though, he loved Harry, and the thought of leaving him broke his heart. He knew he had to make Harry his. A secret boyfriend... Ooo. Boyfriend sounded so strange to Draco. The idea of having a boyfriend had never even crossed his mind, he wanted to grow up, have a wife and kids, he might end up with a husband and a dog now.

He sighed. He should probably get some sleep.

With that, Draco made his way up to his room, he stripped and fell into the bed.

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