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An, just wanna warn that this chapter has SWEARING AND HOMOPHOBIC LANGUAGE... Read a risk, but this is a kind of important chapter, but if you don't wanna read homophobic and swearing, let me know and I'll sum this chapter up without the swearing and stuff. Yeah? Great. Read on!

"Ron, please.." Harry said.

Ron was looking at Harry with disappointment as he made his way closer.

"I honestly didn't mean for this. I mean, it was a little crush at first, I didn't think I'd like him for this long and.."

"Dude! You're gay... For Malfoy!? I just wanna know why the fuck you'd wanna do that?! It's fucking sick! He's fucking sick. I bet that bastard is only doing this to get you to lose the tournament! He wants you dead. Not to analfuck you!"

Harry winced at Rons harsh words. Draco wouldn't do that to Harry. He likes him too.

"Ron. Please.."

"No. You're disgusting!! I can't believe I was ever friends with you, you're just filth! Being gay is pure disgusting. It's vile..."

Harry didn't understand why Ron was being like this. He didn't understand how he knew...

"Right... Well, I'm off to bed..." Harry said.

"No you're not! You're a faggot. You've been sharing a dorm with four lads for the past three years while you've been gay, who knows what you could have been doing to is while we slept. You're staying down here and out the way!" Ron told him.

Harry sighed. "Okay."

To be quite honest, Harry just wanted Draco, but how?

"I'm off for a walk anyway." Harry said, and he walked back out the common room, wiping tears from his eyes.

Harry knew where the slytherin common room was, he went there in his second year while dressed as one of Dracos fatty friends.

"Excuse me?" He asked the portrait outside the slytherin entrance.


"Yes. Uhm.. Could you please get me Draco? Or let me in so I can talk to him?" Harry asked.

"I'll get him for you. Two seconds."

The man on the painting disappeared and came back a few seconds later, opening up to reveal Draco in just his pyjama bottoms.

"Alright?" Draco asked.

"No. I need to talk to you." He said.

"Oh, come on in." Draco pulled Harry into the common room and sat him on the sofa in the empty common room.

"Is everything okay?" Draco asked, concerned.

"No, Ron is being a dick! He thinks I'm filth because he somehow found out about us. He thinks you're only with me to be a distraction so I die in the games and I'm not allowed to stay in my own dorm because I could have done something to the guys while they slept apparently." Harry sighed. " I didn't know who else to come to. I'm sorry."

"No, don't be sorry." Draco pulled Harry close to him. "You have no reason to be. Honestly. You couldn't help who you fell for and neither could I. He's probably just a closet gay who tries to be a homophobe to cover it up. Don't get upset over that stupid weasel!" Draco wiped Harry's tears.

"I guess you're right...."

"I am. Come on, let's get you to bed." Draco smiled, Yanking Harry up and grabbing his hand.

"Draco, I'm not allowed, Ron said-"

"Weasel said not in your dorm. He said nothing about mine. I sleep alone anyway. My father didn't like the idea of me sharing, I never share."

Harry nodded and followed Draco up some stairs and down a corridor.

Draco opened a door to reveal a double bed and a huge room all covered in silver and emerald tapestry.

"It's a bit.." Harry couldn't finish.

"Slytherin pride, I know... I'm sure gryffindore is the same?"

"Yeah. I guess."

"Right. Well, I sleep in my boxers, which, I'm sure you're delighted to know. Uhm... Whatever you wanna sleep in is fine with me. Like, pyjamas, your jeans, naked, boxers, just get ready how you normally would." Draco said, while taking off his pyjama bottoms and climbing into bed in his bright red boxers.

"Okay..." And Harry took off his shirt, jeans, shoes and socks, to reveal his green boxers.

Draco smirked and Harry slid into the other side of the bed.

"This shouldn't be awkward." Draco said. "You're my boyfriend."

Harry nodded. " I know, I've just never shared a bed before..."

"Neither have I. It'll be fun, as long as you don't snore." Draco laughed.

"No, I don't."

Draco scooted a little closer and wrapped his arms around Harry. Their bare skin touching.

"Hawweeee!! Be my icwl spoon!!" Draco spoke in baby voice.

"Mkay." And Harry turned on his side and let Draco wrap his arms tighter.

"Draco, please say that's your wand in your boxers poking me..."


"Awe. Is dwaco awoused?!"

"Shut up and sleep, potter!"

"Fine by me, Malfoy!"

Draco giggled.

"Night Harry."

"Night Draco."

Harry felt Draco peck his neck and snuggled his head into the crook of his neck.

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