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Right, so I'm sorry if you guys thought this was an update, it's not. But I just wanted to know if you'd like the First task to be in Draco's pov, I know it was written in Harry's in the books, so I thought you'd be curious to what Draco was feeling and thinking during the tasks.

Also.... Smut... Right... Do you want it detailed as in... Really detailed worse than Fifty shades, or lIke, a pg13 kind of detailed? Giving you an option, lemme know down in my comments, because you all see excited for my smut.

Anndd, lastly... I was wondering if maybe a problems/agony aunt would be good?
I was just thinking like, if someone sent me in a question id set that as the chapter and I'd try and answer and help? If that makes sense? I like helping people, and I know some people who need answers for a few things. It would be completely anonymous, and I wouldn't tell anyone who sent it, I just maybe wanna help. Again, gimme ideas. Or ideas for another fanfic, that would be great.

Thank you for reading, voting, following, commenting, it's really sweet of y'all!

Wow.. "Y'all" makes me sound American. Any Americans reading? Your accent is frickin AMAZING!!

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