My little princess

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AU- After Regina's coronation in the finale
*inspired by a tweet I saw but can't remember who tweeted it.

Killian's POV

"Hey there little love," I said as I looked down at my daughter. We were at the ball following Regina's coronation and I was holding Hope while Emma danced with her brother. I had taken Hope to the side of the dance floor, people dancing all around us, and was slowly rocking her back and forth as she smiled up at me.

I don't know how I ever got this lucky. To have Emma as my wife and have a beautiful daughter. I never thought I would find happiness and now I have what I always wanted. A family.

Emma's POV

I was walking back over to Killian when I saw him and Hope out on the floor. He was rocking her in his arms and had a look on his face that showed how proud and happy he was, which made me smile.

As I got closer, I could hear what he was saying.

"So I guess this is your first ball my little princess," he said in a soft voice, "just remember there is only one rule. Pick a partner who knows what he's doing."

I smiled and walked over to them, "Do you use that line on all girls?" I asked with a smirk. "Only my girls, love" he answered and then leaned in for a soft kiss. I smiled at him. How was it possible for a lost little girl like me to be this happy? " I love you," I said softly, "Thank you for everything."

"What do you mean Swan?" He asked.

"Thank you for helping me take down my walls. For helping let my family in. For giving me my happy beginning," I said staring into his deep blue eyes.

"I love you too Swan. Thank you for giving me my second chance," he said. I smiled and brought him in for a long and tender kiss, until we were interrupted by the sounds of our daughter.

"Sorry little love. Your daddy just really desperately needed to kiss your mommy,"he said as I smiled widely and laughed.

We love you too Hope," I said smiling and kissing her forehead.

Hope cooed and smiled her adorable little smile and I smiled. I spent the rest of the night dancing with my beautiful little family.

I still couldn't believe I have a daughter with the man I love. We won. We found our happy beginning.

Thank you so much for reading! Sorry it is so short but I had about a million feels attacks while I was writing it. 😂

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