Back to the future

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AU- Emma and Killian are still trapped in the past but can't find a way back.
Also, Marian is not apart of this story because that would make things to complicated.

Emma's POV

"We did it! We got my parents back together!" I exclaimed as Hook and I ran into Rumple's castle.

"Well good for you dearie," he said. He was sitting at his table mixing potions that I assumed was supposed to help us get back to our time.

"Well, did you find a way for us to get back?" I asked him.

"No," he said simply.

My jaw dropped. What the hell were supposed to do now?

"Then what the bloody hell are you doing crocodile?" Hook asked angrily.

"Oh this is for me dearie," he said motioning towards what he was working on, "I know too much about my future. I don't want to do anything that will mess it up. This memory potion will fix that," he said.

"Do you know what this means crocodile? Us being here will already mess up the future. Emma and I will be apart of the curse and end up in Storybrooke just like everyone else. When Emma comes to Storybrooke, what do you think will happen when there ends up being two of them? The whole story will be thrown off! You may never be reunited with your son! You have to do something!" Hook said furiously towards Rumple.

Rumple considered for a moment. "You may be right dearie. But alas, there is no way to do it,"

"Come on Rumple there has to be a way!" I said desperately. If I couldn't get back, I would never see my son or my parents again and I couldn't let that happen.

"Alright dearie," he said, "I will do my research and try to find a way to get you two back before the dark curse hits," he said. "Now get out of my castle,"

When we were outside I turned to Hook. "Before the curse hits?! That means it could be years before we get back," I said in exasperation. "There has to be another way!" I said.

"Swan, you heard him. There isn't any other ways. And I don't think he's lying because there's no way he'd risk not seeing his son again," Hook said.

I stood there tears forming in my eyes. "Killian, what are we going to do?" I said holding back tears.

Killian came closer to me and wrapped me in a hug, which I returned. "It's going to be okay, love. I promise," he said.

I suddenly couldn't hold back the tears anymore and they just came flowing down my face. Hook pulled me closer and whispered words of encouragement into my ear as he rubbed my back. 

When we pulled apart I took a deep breath and sighed. "If we're going to be here for a while we probably need somewhere to live," I said.

"Aye," Hook said in return.

"Leave that to me," said a voice behind us.

"Crocodile? What do you want?" Hook said as he sighed.

"I just want to help dearie," he said. Then he waved his hand and a house appeared on a hill not far away.

"What the hell?" I said.

"Why are you doing this?" Hook asked.

Rumple tilted his head. "Lets just say someone has inspired me to do something... decent today..." he said. Hook and I gave each other slight smiles, know he means Belle.

"Thank you crocodile," Hook said.

"Now if you excuse me," he said, "I have some research to do if I'm ever going to get you two home," he said as he poofed away.

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