True Love: Part 1

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AU- Emma is about to go over the town line with Henry but Regina discovers something about the spell.

Emma's POV-
As I stared at my family in the street, holding back tears became harder and harder. I had just found them, and now I had to leave them again.

I slowly made my way around the group and said my goodbyes, until I made it to Killian. Although I was trying not to show it, this was one of my hardest goodbyes. I know I have feelings for him but I could never let my walls back down for him. My walls are up so high, I didn't even realize that my feeling for him even exist. I wouldn't let myself realize it. And with Neal back in the picture, old feelings of pain were coming back. I loved him and he left me. How was I supposed to know that Hook wouldn't do the same thing?

I guess I won't have to worry about that anymore because In a few minutes, I won't even remember who either of them are.

As I walked over to Hook, it was becoming harder to hold back the tears threatening to fall. When I got to him, he gave me a small smile and said, "There's not a day that will go by that I won't think of you." Gosh he was making this hard. I smiled faintly back and him and said, "Good."

I finally turned around and went to say goodbye to my parents one last time.

Regina's POV

I was preparing the scroll for the spell, when something caught my eye. At the bottom of the scroll read, "The person the spell is used on's true love will be transported with them during this spell. All you have to do is rip this part off and use it separately for it to be activated." I read the scroll once more and realized what that meant. Emma's true love would be taken with her across the town line. This means that Henry would have a father.

I looked between the pirate by the edge of the forest and Rumple's son who was standing by Henry. I knew that I wasn't able to choose who went with them, but I did want to let whoever was going to go know what was about to happen.

I finally settled on Neal. We know Emma does (or at least did) love Neal, and we didn't know for sure about the love sick captain guyliner over there.

I walked over to Neal and showed him the scroll.

"Wait, you think Emma and I share True Love?" he said in happiness and disbelief

"I'm not sure, but this is one way to find out," I said.

He nodded at me. "Ok," he said, "Do it.

I nodded as I walked away. I was about to go tell Emma, but as I turned around I saw a cloud of green smoke heading towards us.

I quickly just called to Emma and Henry and told them it was time. There was no time to explain about Neal so he would probably just be transported there on his own.

I stood at the front of the street and prepared the spell.

Killian's POV

I stood, unable to move or think, as the women I loved walked away from me forever. I would never see her again. Ever.

Emma's POV

I got into my bug with Henry in the back and took a deep breath. I looked at all of my family in the mirror as they were covered my smoke. They were gone.


Regina's POV

All of a sudden, we landed in the enchanted forest. I had lost my son. My happiness.

I looked around and was surprised to see Neal standing across from me.

"It didn't work," he said quietly.

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