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AU- Emma and Killian feel the baby kick for the first time

Killian's POV-

I was sitting on my couch with arm around my wife and my hand on her swollen stomach when I felt it.

"Killian did you feel that?" Emma asked with a gasp.

"Yeah... was that...?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah," Emma said with tears running down her face, "That was our daughter Killian."

I was unable to take this all in. It was as if it was all hitting me at once.

"Damn my daughters a pirate already," I said through tears as I felt her kick again against my hand.

Emma laughed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, just don't tell my dad that," she joked.

I laughed and pulled her closer. What did I do to deserve this? 

Hey y'all! Here's another super short one, but I am working on some longer one shots that will be coming soon!

Thank you for reading!

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