Sleigh Ride

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AU- Killian takes Emma on a sleigh ride to take her mind off of the Snow Queen

Killian's POV-

"Hello love," I said as a walked into the sheriffs station to see Emma sitting at her desk.

"Hey," she answered in a tired voice. She had been working so hard the last few weeks to protect the town from the Snow Queen, and to now know that she knew her in her past... it was a lot on her.

"Emma, love, don't you think you need to take a break? You've been working nonstop for weeks," I said as I walked closer to her desk.

"That's not true!" Emma said, trying to defend herself. "We went on a date, that was not working," she pointed out with a smirk.

I smiled at the memory of that night that I was still in disbelief had happened.

I laughed as I took her hand and dragged her out of her chair. "Come on love, we are going to take a break. The Snow Queen can't destroy the town in one hour."

"Hey, you don't know that," Emma said back in a joking tone.

"Emma, you need to take a break. All of this stress is not good for you." I said, trying to get her to understand how much I cared.

Emma sighed and finally gave in. "Okay, fine. But we cannot be gone long."

I smiled as a sent a quick message on my talking phone and we headed out the door hand in hand.


Emma's POV-

I was walking down the street with my fingers intertwined with my boyfriends, trying to clear my head of the thoughts of the Snow Queen, which was proving to be harder than it sounded since the streets were covered in snow and ice from a mix of the Snow Queen and regular Maine weather this time of year.

Being around Killian does calm me down a bit though. Whenever I'm around him, all I can think about is how much I love him (yeah... I said love) and how it could have taken me so long to let him in. I can't imagine my life without him.

Once we reached the docks, I spotted something down a little farther.

"Uh, Killian? What is that?" I asked.

Killian just grinned like a major dork and dragged me farther down the docks.

Once I got closer I could see that it was a sleigh being pulled by horses and one of the dwarves was driving it.

"Killian? What is all this?" I asked.

Killian smiled at me, "I wanted to take your mind off of all your stress so I decided to do something special," he said, obviously proud of himself.

I smiled in disbelief, took his face in mine, and kissed him.

"I love you Killian," I said before I even knew I was saying it.

He looked shocked at first and then smiled widely. "I love you too Emma."

I smiled and kissed him again. After we parted, I climbed into the sleigh. Killian put his arm around me as a snuggled closer to his chest.

I didn't think about the Snow Queen for the rest of the night.

Hey guys! I am so sorry I was not able to finish the 12 days of Christmas by yesterday, but I am going to try to today or tomorrow even though it's past Christmas.

I hope you guys all had a great day yesterday (even if you don't celebrate Christmas!)!

Thank you for reading!

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