How we fell in love

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AU- Killian and Emma are telling Hope how they fell in love.

Killian's POV
"Daddy? Can you tell me a story? Pleaseeeee?" My daughter Hope asked me as I was putting her to bed that night.

I smiled. "Sure little love, which one do you want tonight?" I asked.

She thought for a moment. "I want to hear you and mommy's story," she said.

I looked up from the book shelf. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I want to know how you and mommy fell in love," she said. I smiled. "It's quite the tale," I said with a laugh.

"I want to hear it all," she said as she scooted over to make room for me on her bed. I climbed in next to her.

"Well, it all started when your mother found me under a pile of bodies in the enchanted forest. I made the mistake of lying to her about who I was and well... she tied me to a tree," I started. Hope broke into a fit of giggles.

"Mommy tied you to a tree??" She said as she laughed.

"And tried to feed me to ogers!" I said.

Hope giggled even more before quieting down so I could continue the story.

"I knew your mother was special from the moment I met her. I could tell she was stubborn and closed off, and I liked that about her, especially since I could relate to her. Once she tied me up, she held a knife up to my throat and threatened me so I finally told her who I was. She was just about to leave me to die when I finally convinced her that I could help her get what she wanted and she untied me. I then led her and the rest of her group to a beanstalk. That beanstalk was our first adventure together," I said smiling at the memories.

"While the two of us were climbing the beanstalk, I observed a lot about about her. I could tell she was broken and had had a rough past. Like I told her then, she was an open book. I felt a connection to her because I too was all of those things.

"When we reached the top, we successfully obtained the compass that would get her back to Storybrooke and me to Storybrooke so I could get my revenge on the dark one, who killed my first love, Milah.  I was growing fond of Emma and my feelings were beginning to grow beyond just attraction to the point where I could actually see us together, which hadn't happened to me in a long time. However, your mother must have felt somewhat the same because she left me tied up on the beanstalk. I was hurt that she had left me and tried to go back to my vengeful ways but your mother had made an impression on me,"

"Wait, If mommy liked you then why would she leave you on the beanstalk?" My daughter asked curiously.

I smiled. "She was running from her feelings. That was the only thing she new how to do at that point," I said. "I could read her and figure her out so well and that scared her," I said. "She was afraid of how much I already knew about her, and how she was opening up to me. She was afraid to trust anyone again after her troubled past, so she left me.

"After that I shot Belle across the town line trying to get my revenge on the crocodile," I said.

"Dad, I thought you said that Belle was your friend?"

"She was, just not at that moment yet. Back then, I was still a villain. I didn't care about anybody but myself," I said.

I was always kind of ashamed when telling my daughter about the man I used to be, but Emma always told me that I shouldn't worry. She said that Hope would be proud of the man I became, just like she is.

"Anyways, after that I was still desperate for revenge, trying many different ways to get what I had been trying to get for hundreds of years," I said.

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