Chapter 2

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Authors note: okay well the last chapter is when they met. This chapter is two years later they are both 23,They dont live together.

I woke up to a good morning text from chris.

Chris <3: how does it feel 2 no ur the most beautiful woman on this planet?

Me: awh<3. I luf yew. You free today?

Chris <3: yeah. L8r.

Me: like what time? :D

Chris <3: when i get back frm the studio. I'll text you when i'm leaving.

Me: kk.

The rest of my day went by smoothy. It was about 8:00 when i got this text from chris.

Chris <3: im coming 2 get u now. You can spend the night nobody's home. B there in 15!

I got dressed putting on some sweats and a cute shirt. After i starighend my hair Chris was at my house in 15 minutes just like he promised. Hopping in the car i gave him a kiss and we pulled off.

- - -

I woke up with a slight headache. I glanced at the clock it was 3:45 . I stumbled to the bathroom across the hall. I used the bathroom and stumbled back to chris's room. When i got back he was up. "What you doing up?" he asked in the most adorable sleepy voice. "I had to pee." i laid next to him and we rapped are arms around each other with my head on his chest. "Whats wrong?" "i have a little headache, its nothing really." we laid there for at least 10 minutes before anyone spoke, "Remember when we first started going out? What did you see in me?" I't was a easy question to answer he wasn't perfect, nobody is, but every thing he did and said was perfect to me. It was like i fell for him before i got to know him. " You were funny,cute,i think personality fits perfectly with mine. You just seemed like a person i could trust and be myself with! What about me?" he observed me and then spoke, "It was cute every time you were around me i could tell you were nervous. You seemed young and fun. I felt like i was home around you even though i didnt know you." "oh. Its crazy how you meet someone and you have no idea how the person will change your life in the next two years." The last thing i remember before i drofted off to sleep was his arms around me. I have battled depression and every now and then i get really lonely but when im in his arms i feel loved and nothing matters cause all i need is him at the end of the day.

- - -

I woke up but chris wasn't In his bed. I got my bag and went in the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. After i was finished i found chris in his room eating cereal, he was already dressed for the day. I sat next to him, "give me some" i demanded half joking and half serious. "come and make me!" he said puttibg down his cereal. I slaped him, he grabbed both of my arms and laid me down on the bed. "What you gonna do now luaren?" he began kissing my neck. Soon we both undressed one another. He was kissing me all over, my mom would flip if she knew what was happening but I didn't feel bad about it i loved him and with him even the wrong fetl right.

Authors note: okay so im going to florida idk if i will have wifi but if i do i will update tomorow or tuseday if i dont then i will post the next chapter next tueseday. The next few chapters are juicy this was sorta a filler just so you could get a feel of their relationship. Vote and comment it will mean soooo much!!!!

P.s i know on the last chapter i said they were 23 but they were 21.

-Sleene <3

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