~Welcome Home~ ~Fluff~

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Lance has been waiting at the arrival entrance at the airport for four hours and is currently running on three hours of sleep and ten cups of coffee. But it will be worth it.

Lance has been waiting for this day for a whole year, maybe more! His boyfriend, Shiro had to take up a year worth of training to work in the army. And this hurt Lance to bits but it was Shiro's dream to fight in the army, and Lance wouldn't stop him from reaching his goals. Obviously Shiro had to make deals with Lance to be allowed to actually go. He wasn't allowed to use phones as contact so he would write letters to Lance once a month, and you know Lance would have been waiting anxiously for each letter.

But right now is the day Shiro will be back. Lance has been anticipating for this moment, he couldn't wait to see Shiro's beautiful face after a year of being deprived from it. He couldn't wait to hear his soft, smooth voice that he always loved to listen to. He couldn't wait to get hugs and cuddles and kisses off his boyfriend. He just couldn't wait to see his love right in front of him instead of his hand writing once a month, not that he doesn't like Shiro's writing, it's flawless, but there's nothing like seeing him fully in person. After. A. Fucking. Year.

A familiar sound rung through the airport, signaling the arrival of the soldiers. Lance quickly jumped to his feet and sprinted to the entrance where there was other families who were waiting as anxiously as him. And then it begun, the searching game.

He kept a close eye as he watched the flood of soldiers file out. Watching as families and couples reunite around him. But then, through the flood he saw a tuff of white hair. And he knew. He knew it was him.


Lance screamed, trying to get his lover's attention. He squirmed pass the crowds of people to get a better view, and yes, there, was none other than Shiro. Aimlessly looking around.


Lance shouted as he sprinted up to his boyfriend. Tears sprung out of his eyes as he basically leapt onto Shiro, pushing them both onto the floor.

Shiro looked up to get a proper look at Lance. Lance's eyes were filled with tears, a wide smile evident on his face. Lance buried himself into Shiro's chest, letting out loud sobs as he hugged his boyfriend tightly. Shiro left out a few tears as well, chuckling as he wrapped his arms around Lance in a firm grip. People stared as they laid on the floor of a busy airport, but what do you expect of them? They finally got to see each other after a whole year!

"Lance! Oh my god I've missed you so much!"

Lance lifted up his head to meet Shiro's eyes looking straight at him. Giving Shiro a playful smirk.

"I missed you MORE!"

"Lance oh my god I missed YOU more!"

Lance let out a snort as he laughed and Shiro swore he heard the most cutest noise in the entire universe. He felt his face heat up as he wore a soft smile as he gazed at his lover.

I've had this idea for so fucking long and now here it is!!

Shance OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now