~Promises~ ~Hurt/Comfort~

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I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort that's why I have so many! Also this is based off the 'leaks' that are probably fake but honestly who tf knows

Update: This was made before season 8, when the leaks which ended up being canon were a thing, so that's why it's different than the canon

All the Paladins were back on Earth.

They finally defeated the Galra, it's over. All of it. But, obviously with war, comes loss.

In the closest town to the Garrison, a memorial statue was made for Allura. She fought so much but sadly her time had come. Everyone grieved, everyone came to each other to express their sadness for this loss, but one Paladin was awfully quiet.


After Lance and Allura were allowed out of hospital, they got together. Everything was going so perfectly, Lance thought life was starting to look up. He brought Allura to all his favorite places, they shared their two cultures with each other. Lance introduced her to his family and they loved her. Where did everything go south?

While everyone else was grouped together before the memorial, Lance was off to the side. Alone. And before long, he quietly walked away. Probably trying not to let people notice, but one certain person noticed.

Shiro watched as Lance walked off.


A week later, it was midnight. Shiro was still awake, going over some tests his students have just did the day before when a knock was heard on his door.

Confused at who would be up this late, he made his way to the door. Once he let the door slide open, he knew immediately who it was.


Lance suddenly looked up to him. Tear tracks all down his cheeks, his eyes puffy, red and agitated. He had his arms crossed and very close to his chest. His body shook as his breath hitched.

"L-Lance! Are you okay!?"

Lance fell on to Shiro, literally. Lance took a strong grip on Shiro's uniform jacket before letting loud sobs rack through his body.

As if it was instinct, Shiro quickly wrapped his arms around Lance protectively. Lance legs gave out as they both fell to the floor, Lance's muffled sobs still echoing through the rather large room.

"I can't do it anymore I can't do it anymore-" Lance repeated like a mantra, stuttering every time his breath hitched and let out a sob.

Shiro stayed mainly quiet, only whispering 'it's okay's and 'let it out's as he slowly rocked them both in a soothing matter.

It had been so long until Lance finally quieted down. Shiro absentmindedly has his hand running through his soft brown hair. Shiro was about to open his mouth before Lance started.

"I w-watched it happen Shiro. I watched her, she was, she was right i-in my arms and all I did w-was sit there....I'm s-so fucking useless!"

Shiro noticed Lance grip on his jacket tighten significantly. Before Shiro could speak up Lance continued.


Lance nearly screamed, Lance's breathing started picking up, becoming uneven, despite that he continued on.



Lance continued babbling, ignoring Shiro's calls to him.


Lance's head shot up to look at Shiro. His talking ceased.

"None of what happened was your fault! None of it! And why would you think about yourself like that! We need Allura, but we ALSO need you! You don't deserve to die! And if Allura was here she'd tell you the same thing!" Shiro felt Lance shake, he watched tears fall down Lance's cheeks.

"Can I ask you something?" Lance mumbled, it was so quiet Shiro nearly didn't catch what the boy said. "Of course Lance.."

"How did you cope with Adam?"

Shiro's breath hitched, eyes slightly widening as his body tensed. Lance noticed and tried to push himself away. "I knew it was a bad idea stupid stupid stu-"

"Hey! It's okay.." Shiro interrupted Lance's mantra before continuing. "It was, a lot. I honestly felt the same way you are right now" Shiro let out a bitter laugh, looking down at the floor. "I haven't even recovered from it, I don't show it but I...I'm still mourning.." Lance watched as tears slowly crawled down the man's cheeks.

"We may have broke it off before I left, but I still love him, a lot! I don't want you to go through it alone like I did and still am... Please promise that you'll come to me if any of those thoughts ever bother you, please don't fight them alone..I...I can't have that I-" Shiro's talk was cut off a sob coming out of his mouth. Lance started tearing up more, immediately wrapping his arms tightly around Shiro as Shiro did the same to Lance.

Still on the floor, they both sobbed into each other's shoulders. "I-I p-promise Shiro" Lance let out through a sob. They both quietened down after a few minutes, both still resting on each other's shoulders.

"But Shiro, you h-have to promise m-me that you'll come to me if, if you get t-those thoughts t-too..."

Shiro sighed. "I promise Lance.."

I honestly just wanted this to happen in the show, maybe not as dramatic but, you get me? Idk, i also decided to not make them get together in this fic, because they're still mourning their lovers and it just wouldn't feel right! But I feel maybe in about a few months or a year they might be finished mourning and through their time bonding they'd get together...idk you can decide!

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