~Broken~ ~Hurt/Comfort~

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Omega Shiro x Alpha Lance
I'm not gonna get into too much detail since I have the inspo now and I don't wanna lose it, but in summary, Shiro isn't able to conceive, he was okay with it before but now that he is with Lance he thinks otherwise.

It's all Shiro could think about,


Ever since him and Lance bonded a year back, he'd wanted to have kids of his own with the Alpha. Questions always circled his mind.

Would they look like Lance? Me? Would they have his eyes or mine? His smile? Mine?

But his soft thoughts are always interrupted by the reality.

He will never find out.

Tears stung the omega's eyes as he laid awake in their bed. The digital clock on their bedside table flashing the numbers 02:37.

He slowly turned his head to face his Alpha's. He watched Lance's chest as it rises and falls calmly.

He can't know.

Shiro turned away to face the wall on his opposite side, slightly pulling himself away from Lance even though it pains him. He grabbed the edge of the bed sheets, using them to wipe the tears from his eyes. He curled himself up into a small ball, willing himself to sleep.


"Shiro, can we talk for a bit?"

Lance asked, the two were laying on the sofa in the sitting room, Shiro's head in Lance's lap.

"Of course!"

Shiro replies, turning his face to look up at his Alpha.

"Well, I was thinking for awhile that maybe...maybe we could maybe try for a kid?"

Shiro's eyes widened. Lance smelt the noticeable change in Shiro's scent, it now having a more bitter scent to it. Lance looked worriedly down at Shiro, him using his thumb to softly rub the side of Shiro's face in (hopefully) comfort.

"Kashi if you're not ready I-"

"No it's not that I..."

Shiro was about to say but stopped himself.

He can't know I'm broken, he'll regret marking me, he'll leave me.

Shiro's eyes started to tear up as he sat up properly.


"It's nothing! R-really!"

Shiro choked out, smiling even though he knew of the tears streaming down his face.


"Seriously Lancey! I'm fine!"

Shiro interrupts as he starts to stand up and walk out.

"I just need a moment-"


"I just need to head to the bathroom-"


"I'm not really feeling all that well-"


Shiro suddenly freezed in his spot. Lance had never used his voice on him before. He wanted to continue walking out, but his omega is telling him otherwise, telling him to obey what his alpha will tell him to do.

Shiro turned to face Lance, large tears falling down his cheeks. He saw anger in Lance's features until they suddenly softened, and then they turned to pure fear and sadness.

"Oh god Shiro I'm so sorry I- I didn't even know!!"

"It's fine..."

Lance slowly walked to his omega, slowly wrapping his arms around Shiro's waist, burying his head in the crook of his neck. Shiro doing the same back.

Suddenly, Lance felt shaking from his mate. He felt his shoulder start to dampen and then he heard Shiro's sobs.


"I'm broken...I'm a broken omega.....you don't deserve me..."

Lance's eyes widened at what he heard. His grip becoming tighter around his omega.

"Kashi! You're not broken! Who said this?"

Shiro sobbed into Lance's shoulder, the alpha immediately running his hands up and down Shiro's back in comfort. His grip still noticeably tight around the omega.

"I-I said it! B-because it's true! I can't g-give you kids Lance! I'm worthless!"

Shiro choked out, his hands gripping at Lance's shirt as he sobbed, his knuckles turning white.

"Shiro, what do you mean?"

Shiro sighed, burying his face into his alpha's chest.

"I've known for y-years, my womb is too weak,, it...it can't bare a child, it can't bare your child.... I'm so sorry! I-I know you hate me now and you probably regret marking me-"

Shiro was caught off by soft lips pressing against his own. Suddenly he felt the weight of all his stress and worry lift up off his shoulders. They broke apart, Lance giving Shiro a sad smile.

"Kashi, you're the best omega any alpha or beta could ask for! Did you really think I'd leave over that?"

Shiro looked down.

"Baby, please look at me..."

Shiro obliged, looking back up into Lance's ocean filled eyes.

"I love you so much! You hear me? You're amazing! Smart! Kind! And don't forget handsome as fuck!"

Shiro snorted at that, making Lance's smile noticeably brighter.

"It's gonna take way WAY more than you not being able to have a kid to drive this alpha away from your gorgeous ass!....And Kashi?"

Shiro have him a look that said 'yes?'. Lance leaned into Shiro's ear to whisper.

"You're not broken, you're perfect, and if others can't see that well then they need a new pair of glasses!"

Shiro giggles at this, and oh boy did Lance flush at that.

"Shut up Lancey!"

Shiro laughed, making Lance laugh along with him.

"I love you Kashi~"

"I love you too~"


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