~Pain~ ~Vent (its not angsty)~

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Warning: Lmao if you can't handle the thought of blood and menstruation then plz don't bother reading ahead,,,trust me

Fem! Shance

Lana loves being a girl.

She fucking LOVES being a girl.

Especially when a girl's body is designed that you go through death once a month! 'Thanks Mother Nature' She internally sighs, curling over on her side- 'Wait, what if blood ends up leaking all over my thigh'

"Ew ew ew ew" She groans at the thought as she fixates her body to lay flat on her back. Obviously her pad will protect from most of the blood leaking out, but fuck, she can be paranoid if she wants to.

"KAAASHIIII" She whines out, watching the door as her girlfriend walks in.


Lana forces herself to sit up, feeling utterly disgusting as she does so. "Is there any food there?" Shiro sighs, walking over to sit at the girl's bedside. "If you're talking about chocolate, no there isn't-"

Shiro was interrupted by an annoyed moan before Lana flopped herself back into a lying position. "It's like I'm in pain but there's literally no pain at all! Ugh I hate this!" Lana tears up over her frustration.

"Hey hey baby it's okay! I think this calls for Kashi cuddles!" Shiro says as she lays beside Lana, pulling the bedsheets over her before wrapping her arms around Lana's waist, leaning her head on Lana's shoulder. She hears a little sniffle coming from the girl in front of her. "....This is nice..." Lana speaks softly.

"Hey, maybe you should join me to do some training, it's meant to be good for you-"

"If you think that I'm gonna do squats with blood pouring out of me like a waterfall you are very mistaken."

"Okie dokie, no exercise then."

I'm trying to write more lol sorry for not updating but have this chapter ig

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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