Chapter 2:The Love Potion

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I gasped when I woke up.

I felt my bed. I felt my blanket. I fiddled with my hair. And with a sigh of relief, I knew it had only been a dream.

A terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, dream.

"Marco doesn't like Jackie"I said to myself. I had said Jackie's name very grotesquely, like she was a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe.

If only she was. Then maybe Marco would stop obsessing over her.

O r maybe I'm just...obsessing over him.

I have to do something. Before it's too late.

Before he really falls in love with Jackie. 

I may not have my wand anymore, but I do have an advantage: I can work with magic.I know what I have to do. I gonna have to create a... loooooove potion.


I headed to the Diaz family kitchen, where the fridge was half-open. There was an open box of Captain Blanche's sugar seeds lying on the counter. "Don't. Touch.", I told myself. My arm was inching closer to the counter. "No!", I yelled as I pulled my arm back.

I walked closer to the fridge. Is,no,no,no,no,no,no!

"Star Butterfly",the creature behind the fridge said.

"I don't have my wand", I replied, annoyed. 

"Oh." The creature cut a portal with its inter-dimensional scissors, and walked through it, defeated.

I walked back to the refrigerator as I opened my spell book, (well, my home-made one), and turned to "love potion". "It says I need a dash of salt, a mount of sugar. and a lock of his/her hair",I said to myself, as I headed to the cabinet.

"A dash of salt", I said, as I grabbed the salt. "A mount of sugar", I said, as I grabbed the sugar. "A a lock of Marco's hair. Hmm."

I was soon lost in thought. "But what if their...bald?"

"And how am I going to get Marco's hair?"

A sly grin appeared on my face.

I ran to Angie and Rafael's bedroom, the room that Marco's parents sleep in.

Eww. Rafael is drooling. 

I crept past their bed and walked toward the pencil holder. Bingo.

I grabbed the scissors and tiptoed back to the door. I closed the door calmly.

"Yes!Yes!Yee-es!" I jumped up and down in excitement.

"St-Star?", a familiar voice said.

Oh no. I can't believe this is happening!

I just woke up Marco Diaz, the soon-to-be love of my life.


"Go back to sleep Marco!", I yelled frantically.

"Why are you up so early?",Marco asked.

"Why are you up so early?"

"Good point. G'night". Marco yawned.


Exhausted, I walked into Marco's room, scissors in my hand. 

"Just a little snip."


I looked at Marco's hair as I held it in my hand. 

This is Marco's hair. Marco Diaz's hair. He's gonna love me soon enough. He really won't mind. 

A hint of salt. *SCOOP* A mount of sugar. *POUR* A lock of his/her hair. *DROP*

I stirred cautiously, until I saw a goopy, pink liquid forming in the bowl. "Yes!", I said under my breath.

I now covered it with tin foil, and wrote PROPERTY OF STAR BUTTERFLY on it with a black marker. I put in inside of the fridge, hoping that Marco wouldn't see it.


"Marco! Wake up!"

Rafael and Angie were at the hospital, while Angie getting an ultrasound. She's pregnant.

Marco walked into the kitchen, yawning. "Hey Star", he said.

"Hi Marco!"I replied, filled with excitement."I made you breakfast!"

This "breakfast" was the love potion. But Marco doesn't have to know that.

"Um, Star?", Marco said, puzzled, as he looked down at the bright pink liquid twinkling inside of the glass.

"Is this my breakfast?"

"Just drink it!"


"Just drink it."

And so he did. He chugged it down quickly. He set the cup down and wiped his mouth, with a simple, refreshed, "Aah."

"Soooo",I said hopefully. "Feel anything..different?"

Marco stared at me blankly. I sighed. I guess it didn't work.

I grabbed the box of Captain Blanche's Sugar seeds and started pouring them into a bowl. I slid the bowl to Marco across the table. Marco stared closely at it.

"Star? Are you..okay?",he asked.

I nodded as I poured milk into the bowl of cereal. Marco took a spoonful of cereal and started eating. *CRUNCH* *CRUNCH* *CRUNCH*

As Marco swallowed, the whole room lit up. And I meant lit up lit up. Suddenly, I felt a wave of pink, must of been the love potion,drawing me closer to Marco. "Yes!"I thought. "It's working!"

"Star!",Marco yelled frantically.

"Oh don't you worry Marco. Just liiiive through it."

Marco narrowed his eyebrows. "Star?! What happening?!"

"I don't know!"

At this point, we were twirling around each other, the pink liquid creeping up the walls. We were floating.

"Is this because of your wand?"Marco assumed.

I started to say no, but before I could finish, Marco and I were thrown back onto the ground.

Well, it would have been Marco and I, it should have been Marco and I, except, neither of us anymore!

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