Chapter 4:The Morning

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I woke up the next day feeling woozy.

"Huh...what?", I groaned sleepily. I wasn't ready to go back!

I slumped out of my bed and headed for the bathroom. I didn't want to wake Marco up. I know what his reaction would be :  "STAAAAAAAAARRRRR!!!!" 

It's too early in the morning for this.

I uncapped the toothpaste and squeezed lightly. I am sooooo tired. And that's when I heard it.


Marco's awake.


I was rummaging  through Marco's closet, as he rummaged through mine. He better stay out of my secrets closet. And especially out of my diary.

Even though this was a serious matter, it still felt kind awkward, looking through Marco's stuff, trying to find something for me to wear to school.

Waaaaaaaiit a second. If  I call Marco girl Marco now, then why doesn't he call me boy Star?

I stopped looking through Marco's closet. I started walking toward his underwear drawer when I realized something. Am I really a boy?

Only one way to find out.

I checked my undies, which still had a cute little star on the middle. I wasn't surprised until I checked inside my undies.

Yep. I'm definentley a boy.

It took me about 30 seconds to stop screaming. Suddenly, a gross thought popped into my head. I started sweating. Why would I even be thinking about this?! Ugh! I need to focus now. I need to do something before Jackie gets my guy.

Or, technically, girl now.

I opened his underwear drawer. "Whoa", I thought. I chuckled. "Marco wears tighty-whities."

I grabbed a pair cuz, as a boy now, I kind of have to wear them. 


I grabbed one of Marco's hoodies (he has so many) and a pair of jeans, along with my super-cool new hat. I would wear this shirt, I guess. I mean, it's not like anyone will see it.

I wonder what Marco's doing now.

I peeked into my room. 

Marco was holding up my jellyfish dress, analyzing it closely. He narrowed his eyes.

"I have to wear this?"he (or she, I guess) said, still looking at my dress.

Really Marco? How rude!

Girl Marco then turned around. "Star?"

"Oh hi Marco." I waved awkwardly. "How's it goin'?"


"Oh yeah...", I said nervously. "I found your tighty-whities."

Marco's eyes widened. "You found my WHAT?!"


Phew. Close one.


"Star, Marco!", Angie called from the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready!"

I walked down the stairs in one of Marco's red hoodies, and a pair of Marco's blue jeans, my cool new hat on my head. I walked into the kitchen, feeling radiant. I had forgotten how comfy this hoodie was! 

I started to pour myself a bowl of Captain Blanche's Sugar Seeds, when Angie held out her hands and said "No need Star."

I followed her over to the fridge, where she proceeded to take out a dinner plate, the top wrapped in plastic. 

She opened the plastic. "Ta-da", she beamed, as she did jazz hands. "Breakfast!"

I looked down at the plate, my eyes filled with joy. On that plate was the most magnificent breakfast I had ever seen on Earth. There were four pancakes in a short stack, covered with maple syrup, with butter at the middle. To the right of that, were two juicy brown sausages. Mmm. To the left of the pancakes there were fluffy yellow scrambled eggs. And finally, some orange juice, just to top it off.


I quickly dove into my food and started eating. Mmmm. If I get to eat this every time I go to school, I'd go to school everyday!

"Wow Mrs. Diaz this is so good!", I said, my mouth full. Because my mouth was full, it sounded more like,"Woh-Mittes-Diad-dis-is-tho-goood!"

"I'm glad you like it, Star," Angie said, smiling. "Now, I'll go see if..."

"Great, he's awake", Angie said as girl-Marco walked down the stairs.

OMG! Marco never looked cuter!

She (girl Marco) was wearing my green, striped dress under her red hoodie. She was also wearing my blue-and-white striped leggings and my boots, the ones with the horns on them.

"Aww,Marco,"I exclaimed. "You have never looked cuter in a dress."

"Thanks." girl Marco replied. I noticed she was blushing.

When I noticed she was blushing, I started to blush.

"Okay guys", Angie said, and we both stopped blushing. "Back to breakfast.

When Marco saw the breakfast, he was about as surprised and excited as I was. He drooled on the plate for some time, and then decided to help himself.

After we were finished with our breakfast, Angie carefully put the dishes in the sink. Soon after, Rafael proceeded to wash them. 

"First day of school guys", Angie said benevolently. She squealed. "Be excited!"

"Yay",  replied Marco and I ,at the same time, both pretending to be enthusiastic.

"Okay, some ground rules first", Angie started. Her face became serious.

"Marco, I enrolled you in school as Maria Santiago Diaz."

"Maria?", Marco said, confused. "Maria Santiago?"

"Santiago is your middle name, for now."

Angie then looked at me. 

"And you, Star, are enrolled as Stan Rivera Butterfly."

"Cool!"I beamed. I pointed my thumb towards myself. "You can call me......Stan Butterfly."

"Good. Now, Rafael will be there to pick you up at 3:00. Have a good day guys."

Angie kissed Maria's forehead. 

"Bye mom", Maria said softly. I love you."

Starco: GenderbentWhere stories live. Discover now