Chapter 6:The Weekend

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Wow. You really never learn to appreciate the weekend again until your back in school.

And this weekend, I need to spend as much time with Maria as possible.

Why, you ask? Cuz it's only a matter of time until he falls for Jackie again. You never know, Jackie could someday come to school as a boy,(Jack, I guess), and then Maria will be all over him.

I figured we could go get Goblin Dogs and nachos, and play with the laser puppies, but noooooo, Maria just had to study for her algebra test!

So now I have other plans. And I decided that I need to fix this.

So I invited over someone I know. Someone I've known for a long time. Someone who is not magical, but knows how to work with magic.

And her name rhymes with 'banana'.


The doorbell rang. 

I slowly opened the door. "Hi Janna!", I said enthusiastically.

"Whoa! I didn't know Star had a twin", Janna said duly.

What the heck is she talking about? I don't have a...oh.......

"Oh uh Janna I don't really have a twin", I said.

"It's okay. Don't be afraid to say that Star's your twin."

"Janna",I said, now annoyed. "I don't have a twin."

"I know", Janna said smugly.

"Thank you!", I replied."Now if we could get to the---"

"You don't have a twin. You know, it's gonna be pretty hard to play the whole twin switcharoo game if one of you's a boy and the other is a---"

"Janna!", I yelled. "I did this."

I rubbed my arm, feeling guilty. I ruined Marco's life. I switched his gender! He's probably gonna have to get a new I.D. And completely change his identity!

"I...accidentally switched our genders and I really need you to help me."

Janna had that smug look on her face again. 

"Well, then, I think I can help you."


Janna opened her backpack and set a thick purple book on the table. She started flipping through the pages.

"Gamma rays,geometric articulation, ah here we go, genderbenders."

"It says that there's always an indirect cause for genderbenders, like a malfunctioned potion, or a wayward spell, or a--"

"That must be it!", I said sheepishly. "It must be a spell! That's the only possibility...right?!"

I smiled nervously. Janna is my gal, but she can never about the love potion. It would be waaaaay too embarrassing.

"Staaaar....I mean, boy Star...."

"It's Stan."

"Yeah,yeah. Whatever. Now what kind of potion did you use?"

I give up. I can't lie to Janna about this. She would obviously find out about it sooner or later. So I just said....

"It was a health potion! He looked sick!"

I know I said I couldn't lie, but I couldn't not lie. As I said before, waaaaaaaay too embarrassing.

Janna wasn't buying it. She gave me the look.

 She gave me the look

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"Ugh, okay fine! It was maybe possibly kind of potion?"

"Ooooo-oooooo-oooooooooh." Janna made kissy faces. "Oh Star! Oh Marco!",she teased. I punched her in the arm.

"Relax. Relax. I know how to fix this",she finally said.

"Well, spill!"

"Okay so. Now that I know it was a love potion, you're going to have to make a hate potion to reverse the effects. Cuz love is the opposite of hate.

"OOOOOOOOHH. Wait, how do you make a hate potion?"

"Well,"Janna started. "What did you use for the love potion?"

"Well, I used...a pinch of salt, a mount to sugar, and a lock of Marco's hair."

"Okay, so you need monster claws, owl ears, and the thing that you hate the most."

"What does that have to do with anything?!", I shouted. "And also, eww."

"Oh yeah, and you also need a lock of girl Marco's hair."

"Actually, it's Maria,"I corrected. 

"'K Star. See ya!" Janna walked out the door.

I sat on the couch and pondered. Monster claws. How the heck am I gonna get those? And owl ears. Do owls even have ears? On Mewni they do.



I guess I'm goin' to Mewni.

And the thing that I hate the most. I can find that right here on Earth.

So lemme start right now. 

"Maria!", I yelled from the bottom of the stairway.

"Yes?", she answered. 

"I'm gonna need some of your hair."

Starco: GenderbentWhere stories live. Discover now