Chapter 5:The School

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"My feet hurt soooo much."

I usually rode cloudy to school, but now he's gone. And these boy feet aren't gonna get me any farther than cloudy did. I'm kinda used to doing things without magic now, but this, this I didn't sign for.

"Stan, we've only been walking for five minutes."


Maria sighed. "You have to get used to not using magic anymore",she said. "Now you can do things, um, earth boy style."

I groaned. "Doing stuff without magic is soooooo much harder than I thought. Maybe we should just call a cab or something." I slouched as I walked down the sidewalk.

"Um, Stan,"Maria started. "I don't think we need a cab."

I looked up.

"Cuz we're here."


Echo Creek looked the same as ever. Nothing's changed, except the students, I guess.

We walked into school, keeping quiet. We watched as familiar-looking students walked down the hall. Wait a sec....

Is that...JACKIE?! Ugh, she looked older now, like a high school student. I noticed that her hair grew, even more disgusting and hideous than it was before. She still had that ugly bluish-green streak in her hair. She was now wearing a bright white tank top with a three green stripes on it. With that, she wore washed out denim shorts, and light blue sneakers. She wasn't wearing her seashell necklace. Hmmmmm.

Maria must have noticed her as soon as I did. She immediately called out Jackie's name. 

Jackie turned her head. "Marco?", she said, confused.

I stopped dead in my tracks, and so did Maria.

Jackie was walking closer now, towards Maria and I. She stopped about three feet way from Maria.

"Wow, Marco! I thought I'd never see you again! Way to come out."

Maria blushed.

"Shut your stupid face Jackie. Stop hitting on Marco! Just...."

I was raging now. My cheeks were a fiery red and the little lightning bolts on my cheeks followed. I growled as Maria pushed me away.

"Sorry for my friend,"Maria explained. "'m not Marco."

"Oh." Jackie hung her head. She looked disappointed. Yeah! You better mope, Jackie!

She looked at Maria. "Well, you look a lot like a boy named Marco who I used to date."

Maria smirked. "Does he have brown hair? Spanish? Handsome? An adorable mole? Everything you would want in a guy?"

Ugh, Marco! I knew it. He still liked Jackie. 

"Well, he's kind of awkward...and he hangs out with this blonde girl, her name is Star Butterfly...and he always wears this red hoodie...and....yeah."

Maria looked heartbroken. I sympathetically rubbed the side of her arm. 

This just goes to show that JACKIE IS A MONSTER!!! 

"Well, um..", Maria started. "That'"

"Maria is my girlfriend!!!"

I can't believe I just said that! I just blurted it out! My mouth  was moving faster than my mind right then!

I expected Maria to exclaim, but surprisingly, she just went with it.

"Yep",she said nervously. "Stan is my boyfriend and....we are exclusive."

"Um...okay...", Jackie said. "See ya!" She rode away on her skateboard.

I looked at Maria. I noticed she was blushing. That made me smile, and blush as well.

Awwww Maria. Boy or girl, you're still adorable.

Maria was still blushing. She smiled and shrugged. I smiled and shrugged. She leaned in closer. I leaned in closer. "Oh man, this is it", I thought. "My first kiss with Maria Diaz." (I've kissed Marco like, once, but by accident.)

I closed my eyes and leaned in closer, closer, closer,until....

Darn it!

The ringing of the school bell was enough to startle the both of us, bu not enough to make us move. We just stared lovingly into each other's eyes.

I was soooooo awkward.


Maria's first class was Algebra. Mine was History. Just like that photo booth kiss.

We waved each other goodbye,and then went our separate ways. As I walked into the history class, I saw.....or was it just a dream.....Miss Skullnick!

(I also saw a bunch of kids from last time, but it doesn't matter.)

"Please welcome our newest student, Stan...BUTTERFLY?!" Miss Skullnick's eyes widened when she said "butterfly". Uh oh. I think she recognizes that last name.

"Here", I said, as I held my hand up timidly, a nervous smile on my face.

Miss Skullnick turned to look at me.

"Wait a minute...", she started.

Uh oh.

"Why aren't you in your seat?!"

"Oh, sorry Miss Skullnick," I said as I hurried to my seat.

Phew. That was a close one.


The rest of the school day was a breeze.

Maria and I ate lunch together in the courtyard. We had English, Gym, and Calculus together. A couple of people asked us about Star and Marco. I guess they were pretty observant. 

Soon, it was time to go. I slung my backpack across my shoulder and waited for Maria to show up.

No Maria.

Suddenly, I heard Maria's voice. I peeked from the corner.

Maria then turned around, to where I was waiting for him. I signaled for her to come over. 

"Gotta go guys", Maria said to Alfonso and Ferguson.

She quickly walked over to me. "Phew. Thanks Stan. Those guys were asking me way too many questions.

"No prob",I replied blissfully.

And then we met Mr. Diaz in his car, and drove back home.

One day of school down. 179 to go.

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