Chapter 11:The Explanation

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Marco invited Jackie over. I did the same thing with Tom.

I don't know what I'm going to tell him. "Hey Tom we can't date anymore because Marco, one of your best friends right now. Sorry, have a nice life." Or---

My thoughts were interrupted when Marco came in. 

"Star," he said. "How will I explain all this to Jackie? No way she'll believe me."

I would say of course she would, but, ya know, you just can't trust Jackie. One day she's all friendly, and the next, she goes and steals your best friend away/future boyfriend away from you. 

"I have the same problem with Tom. I just don't want to hurt his feelings. Or make him mad. And I definitely don't wanna ruin your guys's friendship."

Marco looked at me sympathetically. "Maybe inviting them over wasn't such a good idea."

"Don't worry," I said. "It'll go great." "Hopefully", I mumbled under my breath.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. "Hello?", I heard someone ask from behind the door. "Star? Marco?"

Marco jumped. I got to my feet. And at the same time we both said, "They're here!"


When I opened the door, Jackie was standing outside.

"Oh hey Star,"Jackie said coldly. Then she sincerely said "Hi", to Marco.

"Hi Jackie, heh heh ", Marco said nervously.

What is up with him? He just confessed his feelings to me. And he's still caught up over Jackie?

"Come right in", Marco said to Jackie. Ugh.

Jackie walked in and took a seat on the couch. "I'll be right back", I said as I walked upstairs to my room.

When I opened the door, I was greeted with a surprise. 

"Hey Star", the voice said.

"Hey Tom."

"So...why'd you invite me over?", he asked.

"I just wanted to talk", I told him.

"You're breaking up with me aren't you?"

"*Cough cough* What?", I said, obviously surprised.

"Oh you're not?", Tom asked."Well, uh", he scratched his back. "Well this is awkward."

"So you're saying that...."

"Star", Tom clutched my arm. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but I'm breaking up with you. Now, don't get me wrong, you're really really cool. But someone once told me that I should think about what you want---" He gestured towards me, "and I think you'd be better off with Marco. I still hope we could be friends."

I was in shock. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Star," Tom said, panicking. "Please don't cry." His "please" actually sounded like a plea.

I wiped the tear from my cheek.

"I- uh, actually was gonna break up with you", I reassured Tom.


"I was gonna tell you sort of the same thing you just told me."

"Well I'm glad we're on the same page."



We hugged. Under his breath Tom said,"This is why you're so cool."

***********************************************************************************************  We headed down the stairs, where Marco and Jackie were still waiting.

"Tom", Marco said, surprised.

Tom held up his hand and said, "Hey."

Tom and Jackie looked at each other. Oh right, I thought, we forgot to introduce them.

"Jackie,"Marco said. "This is Tom." He gestured towards Tom. "And Tom, this is Jackie." He gestured towards Jackie. 

"Hey", they both said to each other.

Marco looked at me. I nudged my head towards Jackie. Tell her, I was silently telling him. He mouthed the words, "okay fine."

"Jackie", Marco started. "I don't really know how to tell you this, but I like Star."

"Well no duh", Jackie said, almost laughing. "I broke up with you, remember?"

Marco's face turned red. I felt bad for him. He looked really embarrassed. 

"Oh, yeah", he said sheepishly. 

"But that's not it", he continued. "At school the other day, when you saw a girl who looked kinda like me, that was me."

Jackie took a second to process that. "So what you're telling me is that you turned into a girl."

Marco looked at me.  I gave him the look that said "don't you dare mention the potion".

Marco turned back to Jackie, who looked confused. "What I'm saying is that...actually, I don't know what i'm saying. I just wanted to clear up a few things."

"Okay," Jackie said, finally understanding.

"Thanks for being so cool about it," Marco said.

"See ya Marco." Jackie picked up her skateboard. 

"See ya Star", Tom said as he headed towards the door.

He held the door open for Jackie. The headed out the door together.

Wait a minute, didn't Tom come here via carriage? 

"Well I'm glad that's finally over,"Marco said.

"Yeah," I agreed.

My eyes widened. I totally forgot to tell him about my parents. 

I tapped him on the shoulder. 

"Hmm?", he replied.

"Marco", I said. "I forgot to tell you something."

He turned his body towards me, looking concerned. "What is it?", he asked.

"It's my parents. My mom's still missing, and my dad, went out to find her. Now he's missing too."

I stared at the floor. I wanted to cry. Not because my parents were missing, but because I had forgotten about them. They were the one's who sent me to Earth anyways. They were the reason I met Marco. 

Marco got up. "Well, you know what that means."

I stood up. I knew what he meant. A sly, determined grin appeared on my face. 

"Yep, It's time to go back to Mewni. Round up the team. Armor up, cause we don't know what's out there waiting for us."


So that's where we left off.

I finally admitted my feeling to Marco, who had the same feelings for me. 

I relationship with Tom is awesome, and better than it could ever be.

Come to realize it, Jackie isn't that bad. She can be pretty cool when she wants to be.

I'm gonna find my parents, with the best squad and inter-dimensional princess could ask for.  

And I've got the best friends anyone could ask for.

So yeah, that's my story. It's not perfect, but it wouldn't want it any other way.

                                                                THE END

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