Chapter 7: The Thing You Hate The Most

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I was holding a pair of scissors, looking Maria straight in the eye. 

"What the, what?!", Maria exclaimed.

"No time to explain Marco, I mean, Maria, I just need to do it nooooooooooow."

I aimed my scissors at Maria's ponytail, and held a piece of her hair in my hands. Cutting her hair was easy, or it would have been if Maria wasn't moving so much. Not to mention the screaming.

I only cut a small piece of Maria's hair. When she wasn't looking, I sniffed it. Ah, I thought. Maria's essence. Smelled like strawberry.

***********************************************************************************************  I led Maria out of the house, holding her shoulder. Since I couldn't let her know where we were going, I had to blindfold her. 

"Stan?", Maria said. Where are we going?

"You'll see."

I couldn't let Maria know where we were going. I definitely couldn't let her know. One of the ingredients for the antidote for the love potion was thing I hate the most. Jackie. Of course, Maria wouldn't agree, knowing how much Marco liked Jackie. I wonder if it would just be easier to kidnap Jackie and dump her into the potion altogether. Hm.

My thoughts were interrupted when Maria walked into a pole. "Oof!" I couldn't help but break out laughing. "It's not funny",Maria grumbled. "And when can I take off this blindfold?" Maria pulled her blindfold off. Oh no.

"What?! Stan?!", Maria yelled. "Why are we in front of Jackie's house?"

"Umm...." Sweat trickled down my forehead. "Ummmmm.....we're here to ummmm...."

"No time to explain!"

I quickly shoved Maria towards Jackie's door. I rang the doorbell. 

A guy with light blonde hair opened the door. He had a beard and was wearing a teal robe, and hold a coffee mug with the words "World's Worst Example" on it. 

Ugh. No kidding.

"Can I help you?", he said blankly.

"Um....heh, um..", Maria said nervously.

I cover Maria's mouth with my hand. "We're here to see Jackie Lynn Thomas."

"Oh," the man said. He signaled towards the inside of the house. "Come in. She's upstairs."


"Um, thanks."

Maria and I walked up the stairs, Maria looking anxious. She was sweating bullets. We walked up to the hallway, which was narrow with wooden plank floors, and beige walls, with two doors on each side. 

"Hello?!", I called.

"Hey, Stan, maybe we should leave."

Before I could deliver a rebuttle, a door opened. A little girl walked out. 

She looked just like Jackie, execpt with pigtails, and a green dress. The same seashell necklace. The same cold, dead, boyfriend stealing eyes.



But despite all that, she was adorable.

"Awwwwwww, I want one! Look at you, cutie patootie. Can you show me where Jackie is please?"


She pointed to the first door on the left. "Jackie is over there."

"Thank you," I said sweetly, patting her on the head.

I knocked on the door, and there she was----Jackie.

"Hey guys,"she said, smiling. "Whatcha doing here?"

"We stopped by to say hi!", Maria interrupted. "Hi!"

We then zoomed out of the house, leaving Jackie looking puzzled.

"What was that?", I whisper-yelled as Maria and I headed onto the sidewalk.

"Why'd we go to Jackie's house?!", Maria rebuttled.

Before I could respond, I heard my cell phone. We stopped, and I took it out of my vest pocket.



"Omg,ponyhead! Hey girl!"

"Who are you and what did you do with my friend Star?!"

Oh-ho. Right. I'm not Star anymore. I'm Stan. Of course ponyhead doesn't recognize me anymore. I held the phone closer to my ear.

"Who's that?", Maria asked.

"Star! Who is that?!",Ponyhead yelled. "Do you have a new best friend?!"

"No, ponyhead!"

"I'm coming over to Earth-turd's house", she said solemly.

"Ponyhead...",I whined.

"Ponyhead?!",Maria yelled. 

"Yes, Ponyhead, now hurry up, let's get home before Ponyhead comes."

***********************************************************************************************  Ponyhead was already there when we arrived home.

"Star? Earthturd?", Ponyhead said.

"Uh..hey..Ponyhead,"I said nervously.

Ponyhead's eyes filled with tears. "You have a new best friend?" She started to cry.

"No! Ponyhead!" Now I started to cry.

Maria looked frantic. "Uh..uuuhhh..."

Now we were bawling.


I hate to see my friends sad. I hate that more than anything else. I even hate it more than Jackie.

That was it!

"Maria! Maria! Grab a pot!", I said, still crying."Go! Go! Go!"

In a second, Maria came back with the pot.

"Good, now catch Ponyhead's tears!"


"Just do it!"

Soon, the pot was filled with Ponyhead's tears. We were finally one step closer to the antidote.

After, I explained everything to Ponyhead. Surprisingly, she totally understood. After she left, Maria started asking questions. So I did the most resonable thing to do, walk away.



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I would like to say thank you for 100 reads. I know it's not a lot, but I'm still greatful. I decided to continue the story. I'll try to post more frequently.

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