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Two chapters in a day? Eh, why not. 😉

After he dropped Bank at his house, he purposely drove through another road to get past Krist's condo just in case. He parked his car at the roadside, and looked through his car window up to the high building across him. Most of the residence already had the lights off and glancing at the clock on the dashboard, it was understandable as it was already past two in the morning. He looked out again to where he knew Krist's room is, and saw that a dim light was on near the balcony. He reached for his phone at the passenger seat next to him, and start dialling Krist's number. He was about to press the call button before a call came through.

It was Krist.

He let the phone ringed for a few moment before he picked up the call. There was silence at the end of the line, before he heard a low sigh.

"I took that you have a good time with Bank today?" Singto let out the breath he didn't realize he has been holding since the moment he picked up the call, and leaned back on his car seat. "So you wake up in this timeline too?" He heard the younger let out a breathless chuckle. "Amazing, right? We were both thrown back into the past, what do you think this mean?" They were both silence for a moment before Singto broke the silence. "Let's meet."

"You have had a long day today, let's just meet tomorrow. I'll text you the place later." With that, Krist hung up and left Singto in the soft tuned of his car radio before he made a u-turn and head home.

The next day, he was relieved to realize that he was still in the timeline where Bank is still alive. He took a shower, made himself a simple breakfast and coffee before a message got through. He knew it was from Krist, so he put on his casual shirt and grabbed his wallet and car key to head out to where Krist wanted them to meet.

When he reached there, the place already filled with people to get their breakfast so he found himself a seat quite far away from the others and settled there while waiting for Krist. About an hour later, Krist arrived with his black tee and short pants and he found Singto sitting at the far end of the hall before he made way to him and sat across where he was.

"I thought I said meet me at 11? Why are you already here?" Krist asked as he looked at his phone and saw that it was 10 minutes before 11. Singto just shrugged and sipped his tea. "I just wanted to see the person that went through the same thing as I am, I guess. It's intriguing, isn't? What happen to us?" Singto said.

"Do you mind if I order? I haven't had my breakfast yet." Krist then raised his hand without waiting for Singto's response. He placed an order to the waitress, and looked up to Singto after he finished.

"I guess it is, do you have any idea why something like this happen?" He started.

"I don't know, but I have a pretty good idea what to do now that this happened."

"You want to save Bank." Krist said after a few moment, and Singto nodded. "Don't you want to?" Krist looked away and threw his gaze out of the window, looking about as the people bustling around the busy city outside. "P, changing a history, saving a life that was supposed to-P, I didn't say I don't want to save Bank but you have to think this thoroughly. The moment I woke up and realize what had happened, I know what you will do. I know that you want to save Bank and so do I, believe me, I do. But P, listen, maybe the purpose we were thrown back into the past is not to save him, but to spend as many remaining time he had together, like we didn't get to do before. Maybe because we both regretted that immensely that the god has given us a chance to repair that but not to save him. I'm sorry, P but life and death, we have no control over that. We can only make our days more memorable but not that." Singto listened as he felt rage bubbled up in his heart. He fisted his hands into a ball and when he spoke, Krist knew how much he tried not to lost control.

"So you're saying I should just let Bank die? Is that what you're suggesting?" His voice trembled with rage.

"No. I'm saying that I've been making my own observation yesterday. P, no matter what you do, the things that had happened five years ago will still happen. Remember the news about the kidnapped girl that was found dead? It still happened. The minister who died from heart attack? Still happened. You want a simple one? Remember when I told you the auntie who fell from the stairs at my condo? I tried to save her yesterday and I did. I did and then I heard she was hit by a motorcycle on her way out. She still had her legs broken. It still happened. What was supposed to happen to her still happened no matter what I did. You see my point now?" Krist said trying to put logic desperately with Singto. He saw that Singto might accepted his logic but the next moment the older shook his head.

"No. If you don't want to save him, I will. If you're scared of what will happen, then you can just keep doing what you're supposed to be doing. All that fitting and tasting for our wedding, you do it but don't expect me to be there." Singto spat as he got up from his seat.

"P! Please, you're not thinking straight right now. Saving his life, that could meant harm to yours as well!" Singto stopped for a second, before he said with determination.

"If I were to die instead of him, so be it. But if it means I have to hide him from the world, to keep him where I deem safe I will do it. And you cannot stop me." And with that, he left Krist alone with mixed feelings.

He didn't go see Bank that day, his thought still to what Krist had said and eventhough he didn't want to admit it, he can't keep the logic out of his head. What if what Krist said is true? He found himself shivered at the thought of having lost Bank all over again.

No. He will save Bank no matter what. Whatever the consequences he will bear it as long as Bank is safe.

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