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The next day, everything felt like an autopilot to him. He woke up, he showered, he had breakfast and then he put on his clothes. He was still reeling with the news of Krist leaving and he found himself asking every second if this is what he really want.

When he went to the old building where Bank must have been waiting for him, he still found himself asking the same question over and over again in his head. Even after he had bank in his arms, the question still lingered in his mind.

"P, something's bothering you." He heard Bank asked him in his arms. He just kept quiet as he looked up to the clear sky above him. "It's about Krist, right?" He looked down to see Bank smiled softly at him.

"I knew it. When Krist came to see me last night, I knew something was wrong." Shocked, Singto released the younger and turned him around to face him. "Krist met you? What did he say?" Bank just looked away and shook slightly.

"He didn't really say anything in particular but the moment he saw me, he hugged me. He said he missed me so much and that's weird considering I just met him a week ago. Then he kept on apologizing to me, saying he didn't mean it to happen. You know, you two have been acting really weird these past few days." Bank paused as he gave a thought to the matter before he continued. "In fact, YOU have been weird since the day you said you would spend the remaining days before your marriage to make me happy. And then this." Bank threw up his hands as if showing that all the things happened right then is ridiculous before he looked straight at Singto and Singto was not prepared with his question that come next.

"Who are you?" He felt all the blood was drained from his face before Bank repeated his question again, throwing a suspicious look at him. "Who are you, and where did you come from?" Singto tried to say something, but nothing seemed to come out from his mouth. "Don't take me as an idiot. I know something was wrong, has always known since that day at your house but since you kept quiet I just let it go. But seeing Krist last night, I know something was definitely wrong. You two are not the same person I know, how can a person change so much in a night. It doesn't make sense!" Bank sighed as he continued. "You are so different, both of you! Now tell me the truth, whatever it is I'll believe it. Just tell me the truth. I think I have the right to know, since it seems like I'm the source of this problem you both have."

Singto was quiet for a long moment, before he finally gave up and sat on the concrete floor, sighing as he raked his hair. "You were right, I'm not the Singto you know in this timeline, both me and Krist." Bank frowned at that. "What do you mean, this timeline? Where are you from?" Singto fisted his hands before he continued, looking up at the younger. "We came from the future, five years from now." Bank was so shock he stepped back from Singto, his eyes widen as he looked at Singto. "What do you mean five years from now? How the hell did that happen? Why would a future you, both of you get back to the past?" Singto just shook his head. "We don't know either, but one thing I know, I wanted to change the past. In this timeline. Something will happened today, and I think we both got thrown back in this timeline to relieve us from the guilty we felt for the past five years the future us has been living with. I think I was given a chance to make everything right again."

"Guilty? Guilty of what?" He heard Bank asked him and he dropped his eyes to the floor, not wanting to see the hurt expression of the younger when he told the truth.

"Bank, in this timeline, today, you were supposed to die, just like five years ago. You were-" he looked up when he heard Bank gasped and in front of his eyes, he saw the younger fell to his knees, shocked with truth. "That's the truth. In my timeline, you were dead. You died on your way to my wedding with Krist, when he asked you to get the rings for him."

"Why? What happened?" Bank asked after a few moment, his voice trembled slightly as he spoke. "You got into an accident. A drunk driver crashed into you and sent your car to the opposite lane, and a lorry-" Singto closed his eyes tightly as he tried to recollect the scene of the accident, something he had pushed to the farthest part his mind and never want to remember ever again. "We're married without the rings that day, as we thought you were stuck in a traffic and we didn't want to make the guests to wait any longer. We only knew about the news after-we never got a wedding rings after that. We let the rings buried along with you, the guilt is too big for us." A tear slipped down Singto's cheek as he finished, before a hand rested on his arm, urging him to look at the face in front of him.

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