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Taking me so long to update! 😅

He didn't know what happened next.

He felt his body being tugged out from the driver seat before being shoved back inside the passenger seat. He felt the seatbelt being pulled around his shoulder and he felt the car moving. But he didn't see anything. All he sees was the news over and over again in his head, replaying the face on the big screen.

He felt the car came to a stop, and then his seatbelt being loosened and he was dragged outside. Still, he didn't see anything.

He felt his feet moved, he felt his body being lifted up by the lift, he felt himself being dragged through a long corridor, cold and quiet, and then something, someone grabbed him by his collar. He felt the person shook him violently, and suddenly he felt his knees were too weak that he fell to the cold floor, the hands still on his collar, shaking him. Still, he didn't see anything.

Only after he saw Krist's parents sitting at the opposite chair that he came out from his stupor. His mother hiding her face on her husband's chest with a trembling shoulder, and for the first time in his life did he saw Krist's father, a man whom he saw as cool and collected shed his tears. He tried to pushed away the hands grabbing on his collar and crawled to where Krist's parent were, but the hands just shook him harder, forcing him to look up to the face of his abuser.

His father.

It was not rage. It was not hatred. Instead it was disappointment. Full of it and Singto felt his heart wretched by the sight of his own father looking at him like that. He saw words upon words come out from his father's mouth but he can only see, he can only take it as he sat there unmoving, not a single tear on his face.

"That's enough, brother." He turned to Krist's father, who suddenly looked as if he has aged significantly with how exhausted he looked. He felt the hands on his collar loosened and his father too, fell down to his knees in front of him.

Krist's father rubbed his wife's arms gently to console her as he whispered encouraging words to her. "He's already gone. We could do nothing. He's dead." And Singto saw another fresh tears fell down his  cheeks as he closed his eyes, lips trembling. "He's dead. My son is dead." He said softly, more to himself than everyone at the corridor.

"No!" Singto shouted as he crawled to where the couple are and kneeled in front of them, his hand reached for Krist's father's hand. "No! Your son is not dead! This is wrong, this is not supposed to happen. He's not supposed to die. Please sir, I'll make it right again this time, just-don't say he's dead. He's not, he's not I know he's not. Please sir-"

"Sing, that's enough!" He heard his father said behind him but he ignored him, instead he grabbed Krist's mother's hand to make her look at him.

"Madam, please. Your son is not dead. Please, believe me, he's not supposed to die. I promise you I'll make everything-" he stopped when he felt a hand caressing his cheek softly. He looked up to see the woman smiling forcefully at him, her cheeks wet with tears. "Thank you, son. But Krist's dead. My Krist-my baby Krist is dead. I really wanted to believe that he's not dead, his face looked like he was just sleeping. There was not a single bruise on his body, he looked so clean and innocent just like the way he was born. But he would not wake up no matter how I called him, he didn't move an inch no matter how I shake his body. He's-he was so cold. He was so cold, and he was there in that cold room. My poor baby, my poor baby hates the cold and now he's-" with that, Krist's father enveloped his wife in a tight hug again as she cried again for the loss of their son.

Singto's hand fell limp on his side, and he stared at the floor underneath him. He got up suddenly, his hand hold onto the chair as he felt his knees shook and he walked to the door at the end of the corridor. He felt a hand on his shoulder but he shook it off and continued his steps weakly.

He pushed the heavy door and walked inside, his eyes fell on the only body trolley there, occupied with a white body bag on the metal surface. He walked there, his knees buckled only a few times before he reached there, and with trembling hands, he pulled the zip to reveal the face of the occupant inside the body bag.

He gasped as he suddenly felt out of breath, his knees giving up beneath him and he had to support himself on the trolley, his tears suddenly came out like a waterfall. It took him almost a full minute to gather his strength again to get up and watched as Krist's peaceful face greeted him. His face was free from all colours, as does his lips. And there was not a single bruise or scratch on his face, except for the dark purpling bruise near his chest. Singto doesn't need to see much to know the cause of the death. He stood there, unmoving as he stared and stared at the motionless body as if daring it to move.

When he didn't get any response, he slowly brought his hand to cup Krist's cheek and it felt so wrong. He didn't remember Krist's cheek to be so cold, and colourless, and the skin there doesn't feel chubby anymore. Tears surging out of his eyes again as he took both cheeks in his hands, this time shaking it gently as if to wake him up.

"Hey." His voice came out shaky, and he was trembling badly at the moment but he still tried to wake Krist up. "Hey, what are you doing here?" He heard himself ask as a bead of tear fell down on Krist's face and still, the face remained calm and peaceful. Singto realized that the more he touched Krist's body, the colder it became. Colder even than the room itself. "Let's go back. It's cold here right? And you don't like cold. Let's go back. Wake up and let's go back." He put his arm underneath Krist shoulder as he tried to pull the dead man up, Krist's head lolling lifelessly to the side as Singto got him into a sitting position. "Let's go back and have that hot chocolate you love okay? Please Krist? Wake up and we can go back. Let's go back, I want to go back. I want to go back home with you, but you have to wake up first. Please? Wake up." Singto's lips trembled as he watched the limp body in his arms, and he heard himself pleading softly. "Please?"

He buried his face on Krist's chest, the purpling bruise a contrast colour to Krist's pale body and he sobbed. He sobbed and plead for Krist to wake up and after what felt like an hour, he heard a shout behind him before he was being pried away from Krist's body. He kicked and screamed and plead not to let them put Krist back into the bag and inside the cold mortuary chamber.

He was in a mess when he was brought out of the room, and he remembered a nurse asking for a sedative before something pricked him on his arm and everything went black.

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