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"P, is this really okay? Shouldn't we go for your fitting instead of coming here?" Bank said as he looked around himself at the familiar place, his hand secured in Singto's bigger one.

"It's okay. I'm planning to make the most of my remaining days making you happy." Singto smiled at him as he pulled the younger to follow him into the crowd in the park. He heard Bank sighed behind him before he snapped free his hand from Singto's. Singto turned around to see that the younger looked sad. "P, this is not right. You're getting married to Krist, did you forget? You're not supposed to do this, WE are not supposed to do this. Our relationship ended-"

"I know." Singto said without letting the younger finish his words. "I know, and I know we both regret about how our relationship ended. We both know how unfair that we have to end what we have before. It was unfair how I cannot make a choice for myself, and it was unfair how you cannot have me just because of your status." Singto took back Bank's hand in his. "I know we already talked about this, I know we agree to accept this and I never said I'm not marrying Krist. If that's what both our parents want then so be it." Hearing that, Bank pulled free his hand and tried to get away from Singto before being stopped.

"Hey. I know, I'm sorry. I love you, I do but you have to understand. It's not like I don't want to be with you but Krist, my family is in debt with his family. If his family didn't save mine years ago I will not be standing where I am right now. My family will not be where they are right now and you know how big we owe them. We can live a thousand years and still in debt with them. And this is the only thing they ask of me, to marry their only child. Their only treasure." Bank sighed, seemingly tired with where the conversation is going.

"Yes. Okay, we talked about this many times before. I understand. Can we go now?" Singto watched as the younger huffed in annoyance in front of him, arms crossed on his chest before Singto smiled. "Okay then. Thank you for understanding me. But as I said, I'm gonna make my remaining seven days before I marry Krist to make you happy. I know how it sounds, but believe me if there is anything I should do right now, this is it. This is how I'm gonna make it up for you, for us, for what we cannot have. Seven days are too short, I know, but better short than nothing, right?" Singto said, and Bank gave a long thought about it before he looked up to look Singto in the eyes, and nodded with a little smile.

"I guess I just have to satisfy with that."

They went to a lot of places.

They went to the park, beach, amusement park and they lay under the moonlight at night, with just the two of them on top of the old building they once declared as theirs as it had been abandoned for years. They lay with the blankets underneath them, Bank used Singto's arm as a pillow as they looked up to the stars littering above them. They talked about the fun things they had as a three with Krist, and then the best moments they had as two people in love.

"Do you remember the first time we met?" Bank asked, his fingers played with the button of Singto's shirt near his chest and Singto hummed, fingers carded through the soft brown locks of Bank.

"You got angry at me because I stepped on the flowers you tend to at school. You were always alone back then." Bank snorted at that. "Yeah, and you're always with Krist back then. You two are inseparable so it's no surprised to our friends that both of you are getting married now."

"Arranged marriage. But let's not talk about that right now, okay? It's all about you now." They fell silence for a few moments before Bank continued. "I got so angry that I started hitting you with my garden trowel a few times." Bank chuckled softly with the memories as Singto winced. "Yeah, remind me not to piss you ever again. It hurt you know." Bank just shook his head with a little smile as he lay his arm across Singto's chest, hugging him. "And then Krist had to call the headmaster to break us apart. His face looked so scared as if I'm going to kill you. Actually, I might if the headmaster had not come in time."

"We both got detention at that time. We had to clean the old class at the end of the corridor, remember? You got scared with just the littlest noise from the rats and bats." Bank swatted his hand lazily on Singto's chest with a smile. "But that's what made me change my mind about you. Because you screamed at those rats and bats not to scare me. You looked so heroic at that time I almost fell in love with you." Singto looked down to catch Bank's eyes with the statement. "Almost? I'm pretty sure you fell for me the first time you saw me." Bank rolled his eyes. "Dream on! Why would I fell for someone who stepped on the flowers I tend to for months?!" Singto just laughed and nodded his head in agreement.

"I think...I think I started falling for you when you keep coming to the garden to see me. Because you feel guilty for stepping on my flowers. And you helped tend to those flowers. Both you and Krist. And you two started hanging around me, you don't know how happy I felt at that time. Two popular boys like you guys hanging with an orphan like me, I think I changed my mind about people around me after that. You let me into your circle of friends, you got angry when someone insulted me, and you stood beside me no matter what. And Krist is so good to me, he didn't mind sharing you with me." Bank stopped in a moment, before continued. "And I got greedy, I want to have you all by myself. I forgot my place, and I dare to compete with someone like him. I'm being punished right now, I-"

Singto pulled him into a hug, his head tucked under Singto's chin as the older shushed him with soft tone, rubbing his arm. "Shhh, it's not your fault. If loving someone is wrong then I should be punished too. More than you do because I love two person at the same time and wished to have both. I'm the greedy one."

"You love Krist." Bank said after a beat of silence and he felt Singto nodded above him. He untangled himself from the hug and sit to face with Singto properly.

"I knew it. You do love him, you have been in love with him all this time. I'm just a passing-" Singto got up next to him and hold his hand.

"That's not true. I love you too. I sincerely love you." Bank looked away. "Then what about Krist? You cannot love someone equally at the same time."

Singto just sighed, as he too, confused with his own feelings.

"...I don't know. Maybe the love I feel toward him is more of a brotherly one. We've been together since we're little you know. But toward you, I want to spend every second I have now with you and I want to be with you. If not forever at least in this remaining days." Bank smiled softly at that and leaned back on Singto's warm chest.

After a few moment, he asked. "What time is it?"

Singto looked down to his watch and saw that it was past 12 already.

"We've been out for a long time. I wonder why Krist hasn't call us yet?" Bank commented after Singto informed him the time. He shrugged, although there was a tug in his heart that say something might be wrong.

Does the future Krist wake up in this timeline too?

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