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He spent the remaining five days with Bank, going to the places that hold the most memories to both of them. Even though Singto vowed to save Bank, deep in his heart, he feared that no matter what he did, Bank would still leave him and he had to live with the same pain he had for the past five years. So he spent most of his time making the younger happy, just to see the smile and laugh he missed so much. And might be missed again. He smiled as Bank played with the kitten they found at the park, petting and brushing its fur.

Tomorrow will be the day he lost Bank. Tomorrow. He feared for tomorrow. Eventhough he had plans laid out in front of him days prior, he still couldn't guarantee Bank's fate.

And Krist hadn't call even once after they met five days ago. Maybe he wanted to give Singto his time with Bank before the tragedy strike again.

"P?" Singto was brought back to reality when Bank's face came into his view.

"P, you just zoned-out. Something bothering you?" Bank asked with a worried face and sat next to him on the bench, casually locking his fingers with him. "Want to tell me about it?" Singto sighed, before he shook softly with a smile as he caressed the younger hair. "It's nothing. I'm just worried about tomorrow-"

"Tomorrow? Your wedding? I thought you has had all settled?" Bank said as he leaned back on the bench and looked up to the vast clear sky. A heavy sigh escaped him seconds later.

"Your wedding, huh? I guess this will have to come to an end afterall. I have to return you back to Krist now, do I?" He turned to Singto next to him with a sad expression. "Thank you, P'Sing for making me happy these few days. You were right, better short than nothing because after this, I'll make sure to cherish these few days more than I will cherish my whole life." Something stabbed at Singto's heart with Bank's words. If only he knew, if only he knew he was fated to die tomorrow. Singto tightened the grip on the younger's fingers. He took a deep breath and released it slowly.

"Bank, tomorrow, will you meet me at the old building?" He heard himself said before Bank tilted his head, confused with his request. "Tomorrow? You have your wedding tomorrow, how do you expect me to go meet you there. I'm supposed to be on the altar, being your best man. Hell, YOU are supposed to be on the altar, Mr. Groom." Singto just shook his head.

"No. Meet me there, I'll be there I promise you." Bank pulled free his hand and turned his whole body to Singto.

"Are you crazy? What about Krist? You can't do that to him, you will not do that to him. How can you even think of doing that to him?" Singto sighed as he closed his eyes before he opened them again to see the bewildered young man in front of him.

"No, you don't understand. I have to save-I have to keep you away."

"Keep me away from what? What are you talking about?!" Bank asked, seemingly annoyed with something he didn't know.

"No, it's-anyway, Krist understands what I will about to do. I already told him-"

"You told him you aren't coming to the wedding tomorrow and want to meet me instead? P'Sing, you're crazy. I don't know what's gotten into you but you better clear things out with him. Don't you remember what you said to me? That you're indebted to him? This is not the way for you to repay him, you told me yourself-"

"Bank! Calm down! The wedding will happen, I assure you it will. But I have to make sure about something before that. I have to-I have to see you safe and that nothing will happen to you. I have to make sure of that at least. Please, Bank just hear me out and meet me there tomorrow. Please?" Bank looked torn with the plead from Singto before he nodded softly, at lost what to say.

Singto smiled with relief, his grip tightened about the younger hand.

That night, Singto sat on his bed too nervous for tomorrow that he couldn't get a sleep even after the clock strike three in the morning. He was feeling dreadful for what was going to happen the next day, no matter how much he already prepared for it. Somehow, he felt like something will go wrong. He was still deep in thoughts when the sound of the bell filled his house. Frowning, he went to the front door and peeked through the peephole, only to see Krist standing in front of his door. He opened the door and let him inside.

"I'm not going to the wedding tomorrow." He said once Krist stepped inside, closing the door behind him. He heard Krist sighed. "I know, P. And I'm not here to stop you." Singto threw him a confused look. Krist just smile and sat on the couch.

"I've been thinking for the past few days, that maybe I'm just too scared to accept the truth the moment I woke up in this timeline. I'm scared that you will do exactly what I think you will do. Saving Bank." He looked up to see Singto tried to say something but he cut him off before he could utter a word. "I know what you must think of me but P, I love you too. As much as Bank loves you, I love you too and as much as you're afraid of losing him, I'm afraid of losing you too." Krist looked down to where his hands trembled on his lap before he continued. "I know you love him, have always known. The moment you bring Bank into our circle of friends, I know. I see the way you look at him. It was never the way you would look at me. I know you only marry me because you feel you owe my family, and that you never love me the way you love Bank."

He paused, and then chuckled softly. "You know, you surprised me P, when my parents said you agreed to marry me. I knew back then you had something with Bank and up until now, I still feel betrayed that neither of you bother to tell me about it. I had to know about it from someone else, and worse, to witness it with my own eyes. You don't know how much that broke my heart. I waited for you, any of you to break it up to me and I think...I think I would have accept it and move on if you just tell me. But you didn't. You didn't so I take things into my own hands just to see what you would do. I asked my parents to let me marry you." Krist looked up to see Singto and smirked. "Yes, I'm the one who asked my parents to marry you. Funny right? And then you just had to agree with it. Why?" he looked at Singto with expression more of an exasperated one. "Why, P'Singto? If you're only going to treat me this way why agree to marry me in the first place? Why not put up a fight and tell me the truth? Tell everyone the truth?"

There was a deafening silence between them, before Singto said softly. "Because I love you." And Krist can't help but bark a laugh at the reply. "Don't make me laugh, P'Sing! You want me to believe that after all this time?" He stopped laughing when Singto didn't seem to make a joke, his face still from any emotions and Krist shook his head. "Don't make me laugh. And if it's true, you're the worst person I've ever met."

Singto blinked at the younger before he said, "it's true. To both. I love you and I'm the worst person you ever met."

"Jerk." Krist spat before he even realized it himself and bit his lips. He let the silence hung between them for a few moment before he continued. "Anyway P, you don't need to come to the wedding tomorrow. In fact, I already told my parents that I don't wish to continue the wedding. Instead, I told them I want to continue my study." He looked up to Singto's shocked expression. "I'm leaving tomorrow, P. If we're meant to live in this lifetime forever, I'm going to do what I didn't get to do five years ago. Marrying you is the best thing I've ever done, but it's not the happiest I've ever felt. I can't deny how much it hurts to see you blame me for what happen to Bank, and believe me, there's not a day since the day Bank died I didn't blame myself. I think those regret that we both feel thrown us back in this timeline and maybe you're right, we're meant to make everything right again this time. So, I think this is what I want to do if I get to make everything right again. I don't want to live with guilty anymore, and I don't want to live lying to myself that everything is fine. That we're fine. Save Bank P, and live your life happily with him. There is nothing I want more than seeing you happy again." Krist got up as he finished his words and turned to Singto with a little smile. "I guess this is it then, P. Good bye."

Singto hadn't realize that the front door had been opened and closed behind him, he was just standing there speechless and lost.

Is this what he really want after all?

Welp, Krist is leaving! 👀

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