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"Hey, Sing! We're going out to drink after this, wanna come?"

Singto looked up from his computer's screen to his co-worker standing in front of his cubicle, ready to leave the office with his bag on one shoulder. Singto gave a slight smile, before he shook his head. "It's okay, I still need to proofread this document."

His co-worker, Chai smiled back awkwardly and shrugged. "Oh, okay. See you tomorrow then."

Singto watched as he hurriedly walked toward where his other co-workers were gathered at one of the cubicle in the office. He was just about to get back to his work when he heard one of them said, "See? I told you he won't come. How long have we been working together? Five years and how many times has he agreed to hang out with us? None!"

He took a deep breath and started reviewing the document on his screen again.

"It's just a waste of time to ask him. I'm only doing this considering he's our boss' son if not I wouldn't even care for his existence!" another one of them chirped in, quite loudly as if he was doing it purposely for him to hear before Chai slapped him on the shoulder. "Shut it, Vern! He can hear you!" the one called Vern just scoffed before he continued. "Humph! I can't believe someone like him will lead us one day. I might as well go for a job hunting from now, in case this company flop under him."

"Oh, Vern. Give him a break, he's only like that because his fiancé-or should I say, ex-fiancé died on what was supposed to be their wedding day." A girl butted in with her high-pitched voice while leaning on the cubicle's wall, playing with her prettily manicured fingers. "And I heard he cheated on his fiancé too!" she continued with a loud whisper.

"What, I guess he has guts too, huh?" he heard a few of them laughed and snickered at him while looking his way.

"Well, I guess now he's feeling guilty for what happened. I mean, who will not? I say he deserved it!" someone said, more like spat to him and Singto just turned a deaf ear to what had been said and kept his eyes on the documents. Although he silently agreed that he deserved it. All of it.

"Come on guys, that's enough. Are we going or not? The place might have already crowded by now."

"Aww, Chai. Always the soft hearted person. Come on, guys, he's right. Let's go!" the other guy in the group said before he lead them out of the office. "But seriously though, if I have a face like that I would have cheated on one or two too!"

"Unless you don't and your face is ugly, Vern!" and the corridor was filled with their laughter and bickering.

Singto stepped into the big house and was greeted by a maid who proceed to take his briefcase from him and gestured him to the living room where his father was resting on the sofa while reading something on his tablet.

"Pôr," he greeted as he took the seat next to his father.

His father looked surprised, his glasses resting on his nose bridge raising slightly. "Oh, Sing! You didn't tell me you're coming today. Have you eat?" he asked as he put away the tablet and his glasses on the coffee table. Singto smiled crookedly before he shook his head and put a hand on his stomach, rubbing it. "Not yet, pôr. I'm so hungry." He said with a small pout and his father sighed heavily. "Good thing I haven't eat yet or else I would just let you go hungry."

"Aww, pôr!" Singto exclaimed with a downturn of his mouth and his father just laughed before he called one of the maid. "Please prepare Singto's favourite food. Take out the sushi as well." He said to her before she nodded and excused herself to prepare the food. Then his father turned to look at him, his old hand resting on Singto's thigh.

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