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I'm just gonna drop this and flies away 😂😂😂

The promised extra chapter that took me a millennia to fulfill. Thousand apologies! 🙇‍♀️

WARNING: Fluff, fluff, fluff!!!

*Set a few months after the event*

Krist woke up to the harsh morning sunlight shone directly at his face where it peeked through the slit of the thick heavy curtains. He pulled away from the light with a small groan, his head tilted back on what he thought was a pillow, only to find it sturdy. And comfy. He tried to open his eyes to see, but he can only squint under the bright light.

"Is it too bright?" He heard a gentle voice above him, and felt a shadow fell onto his face.

He partially open his eyes, chasing away his sleepiness and looked up. Singto was looking down at him, his lips formed an amused smile and yet his eyes smiled endearment. Then Krist realized his head was on Singto's upper right hand while he had the palm hovering over Krist's face, hiding him from the sunlight.

Krist felt himself blushed, but he made no effort to move away. Instead, he snuggled up closer and hid his face on his husband's chest.

Singto chuckled as he saw the reddened ears, "good morning, love." Krist felt a lips pressed on his temple, and a hand raking through his disheveled morning hair.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He asked sleepily, eyes closed blissfully over the ginger touch to his scalp.

"It's still early, " Singto answered. "Go back to sleep if you want. I can make breakfast today."

Singto pulled the thick duvet over Krist's body, cocooned him in a warmth embrace of the blanket and his body. Krist hummed, the sleep is fast to catch up at him and in no time he felt himself slowly pulled back into the dreamless sleep but not before he muttered a harmless warning to his husband, "don't burn the breakfast. Or the kitchen."

He felt a low rumble of Singto's chest as he huffed a laugh, and slept.

He woke up an hour later to an empty space beside him. He closed his eyes again and sighed, letting a few seconds to pass where he yawned and stretched while doing so. Then he rolled onto his back, staring intently at the white canvas above him that was the ceiling before he got up, his hair mussed like a bird nest. He let the blanket pooled on his lap as he blinked at the wall opposite him, painted in dull grey colour. Once, twice and when he went for the third one he didn't open his eyes, slowly drifting back to sleep.

"Wake up sleepy head," he opened his eyes slowly and brought them to his side, where Singto was leaning on the door frame while looking at him with an amused smile.

Has he been standing there the whole time?

"It's not everyday I get to sleep in. Let me be." Krist mumbled and fell to his side, bringing the blanket to cover him once again as he pretended to be sleeping. He felt the bed dipped next to where his head was and fingers pushing back the fringe that fell onto his face.

"No can do, princess. You have breakfast waiting for you."

"I didn't smell something burning?"

"Ugh, you." Singto said with a roll of his eyes, though Krist can't see it and press his knuckles on the younger's head playfully. Krist swatted his hand away in protest.

"Come now, I went through hundreds of recipes to make the best breakfast for you." Singto poked krist's chubby cheek with his finger and when he got no response, he dived for Krist's sensitive ear.

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