WWYCR: 0.6: chapter six

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a/n: the author has a plan, i repeat; ground control knows what they're doing!


"what is it tony?" steve asked with a furrow in his voice. an orange, golden snark appeared on the youngest man's face. chuckling and leaning on the door frame, letting fear take over his completion's undertone.

"looks like fun, i probably should have walked in sooner, maybe steve's back would be broken and somehow he'd still be kissing you because obviously he'd never stop." he stated with his signature snark, steve rolled his eyes, bucky held back laughter.

"what do you want tony?" steve asked again, the undertone of fear washed over him, with different soap then the soap that "washed" bucky.

"the kid fell asleep again, he's breathing fine, is that okay?" he asked, bucky looked at steve with a smile, a genuine smile. one with no cracks in the glass.

"tony, you're talking to two meant who were frozen in ice and lived. of course he's okay. why are you so rattled?" steve replied, bucky's laughter in sugar let out of his mouth. bringing a smiling to steve's face. tony glared at the oldest of the two in front of him, steve glared back. the two weren't exactly on a good word yet. no one knows if they'd ever will be.

"i know what's happening. he feels like a father figure, and he doesn't want to admit it." bucky stated. steve and tony looked at each other with round eyes, then darted to bucky, who tugged at steve tighter from the rush of ice from the attention. tony stood there defeated in shock, steve looked at him and understood completely.

"it's okay if you feel that way tony, i felt that way about this guy my whole life until the serum. it's okay, i promise this is normal." bucky assured, steve was shocked that he even dared to talk to tony, who looked at him in disgust, but defeat.

"well i'm not too normal of a guy barnes." tony snapped back, bucky sighed, sitting on his bed.

"me neither, do you think that this," bucky moves his stump, "is normal? being traumatized and brainwashed and living out from the forties to now? is that normal? god no, but no matter what i'm human in some form, mentally at the least. so i'll be damned if you're not at least human enough to feel it too." bucky explained, tony sulked against the doorway, the green in his eyes glowing frequently. taking in what the man in front of him explained. tony looked over his shoulder, not wanting to face the truth that spoke in front of him.

there was a pause, the three were silent as the wind hit itself against the window lightly, creating a soothing feeling. a nice light orange floating in the room. as the tension couldn't be cut. tony sighed, steve got up from bucky's side, hugging the man who couldn't accept mortality. like voldemort, only not as evil at all.

"it's okay tony." he stated, tony sniffed and started to cry into steve's shoulder. bucky sat on the bed in sympathy.

"n-no it's not." he replied, steve rubbed his back, just like he did when bucky woke up in the night.

"yes it is." he fought back, steve hugged him harder, a pain his bucky's chest as the pain swam in him, he couldn't drown his demons. not even if he wanted to, they knew how to swim. tony's sunk him underwater, and didn't even know it.

"stop fighting it with denial tony it's only going to make it worse than it already is." steve clapped, tony looked at him, sighing and laying his head into his chest, needing someone urgently. steve knew it was bothering bucky. a red fist forming in bucky's hand. he didn't mean it at all, jealousy just punched him in the gut.

"tony, go back into the living room, please." steve stated, tony looked up at him and just nodded, bucky felt the uncomfort that fled through him from that move. the grits of rocks and sand sediments covering him, trying to wash it off. he knew the feeling all too well. steve turned back to bucky, engulfing him in a small kiss and a blanket hug.

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