WWCYR: 0.7: chapter seven

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a/n: i know what i'm going to do, let's roll. but not down from the train like bucky, he deserves so much better than what he got...


days had passed between the two, bucky took his prescription as it was needed, his eyes fluttered open to to the sight of sunlight, the walls around him glowing brightly as he felt arms around him. he looked to his right, where steve lay with his long lashes falling onto the tops of his cheeks. bucky smiled pink at the sight, looking all over steve, who slept peacefully beside him. bucky then realized something greater. more golden woven into the lines, more defined colors of bright and light. he smiled greater, proud of himself. 

he'd slept through a night without waking up or having a nightmare. 

bucky recoiled to the dreamless sleep, realizing how refreshing it felt, the mattress under him holding himself and steve alike, he cuddled into steve, smiling into his neck. steve woke up, realizing that bucky was beside him, not screaming or crying. his arms were still, and there was no crimson terror in his mind. just bucky, the bucky that'd he'd known since childhood. he smiled to the older of the two, placing small kiss onto his hairline.

"buck, it's morning." he stated, bucky looked up at him, almost equally across from him, a little lower under the covers. he connected their lips together, letting green vines wrap them inside, giving them every intricate detail to remember about the silent and peaceful night.

"i know." the eldest stated, smiling greatly at steve, who ran his hands through bucky's chocolate hair. running it in and out of his hands, unknowingly letting it calm him.

"i'm proud of you buck." he stated, bucky somehow smiled brighter.

"me too." he said, steve held him tighter, but was interrupted.


the two looked at each other, yellow-red-blue swirling in and out of their eyes, sitting upright. they looked at each other, bucky leaning more against the headboard without the support of a second arm to hold himself upward. steve got out of bed, looking out the window, where all was peaceful along the river. he grabbed his jacket from the chair in the corner, and his shield.

"stay here." he stated, bucky shook his head.

"no. if anything we're going together." the eldest stated, getting out of bed and throwing on shoes and his red jacket. he tossed steve his shoes, the ocean steel eyes full of worry and fear, not only for the world around them but for the man in front of him. they ran out to the front path by the hut, noticing kind t'challa laying face-up on the ground. awake in pain.

they ran over to the king, sitting beside him, his dark eyes darted to steve and held right onto him. the lions were threatening from the inside- it seemed. steve held back onto the king, whose kingdom hadn't awaken yet. but they'd know soon enough to rescue him and take him to the infamous hospital of the unforgettable city. like bright lights from years ago, you never forget them.

"t'challa, how'd you get back?" bucky asked, the king looked over to the post-solider. shaking but still. calm but not. you knew it as well. crimson but sky blue, to be exact.

"t-the w-w-wizard. h-he ne-eds he-lp." he stated, bucky used his hand to hold the king's, trying to calm him down.

"who's killing him?" he asked, a lemon to his voice, but with sugar on the inside. just enough to even out the sour from the sugar inside.

"h-h-horrible people." he stated, eyes going everywhere. "needs t-to get the g-gaurdians b-back." 

"it's going to be alright, okay? he's not going to die. i promise." bucky swore, the king shook his head, paramedics flew over to the scene, whisking the king away from the couple that lived in the hut feet away. they never knew why the bodies always ended up there. they didn't know it was in the exact center of the city dome either though of course. they couldn't recognize green right away, no eyes could. they need to adjust before they could lace detail together in contrast to main colors.

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