II. Retrospect

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Hamilton Cove. Savoie, Louisiana

7:15 am. Friday, August 2, 2013

The alarm sounded and, once again, I rolled over onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. Without fail, he was the first in  my thoughts. I couldn't seem to get him out of my head. His deep voice, his touch, and the way he had me all tied up inside was something very real and I couldn't ignore it even if I wanted to. Nathaniel King came into my life and trampled all over my solitude. Although I wasn't behaving like it, I appreciated him for it.  

Instead of throwing myself out of bed like I normally did, I just rolled over on to my stomach and took the company phone he issued me from the nightstand. There were six missed calls and four voice-mails all from Nathaniel. 

I sighed and listened to them.

Message from, Nathaniel Hart, yesterday at 10: 43 pm.

Nuri, you are  probably already asleep now, but I had to try. What you must think of me now that you know what I've done? I have to see you. Please. You walked out on me and have yet to look back... it's fucking cruel. The first time you left without so much as a name is nothing like this time around. Now I know you, and I promise I'll do right by you. When I first saw you it was like coming out of a - -

End of message. Next message from, Nathaniel King, yesterday at 10: 46pm.

When I first saw you, I had just woke up from a nightmare. I went out to my balcony for a smoke and there you were in your studio stretching and carrying on like a temptress. I thought I was in heaven. You were wearing this yellow lingerie and damn near made me have  heart attack. . .  I won't lie to you Nuri, but I got off right then and there. Fucking pitiful right? But it's the truth. You turn me on woman, but you know that already.

End of message. Next message from, Nathaniel King, yesterday at 11:03 pm 

I had my boy Ambrose look into you, because I have what  you call. . . control issues. I barely scratched the surface before I realized that I had to meet you. I had to be around you, and I wanted  you next to me always. I was a fucking crazy man. This maybe be hard for you to believe, but I am quite possibly too deep into my feelings to let you just walk away. If I scared you off- - I get it, I understand and I don't blame you. I guess I wish I should have met you before I- -

End of message. Next message from, Nathaniel King, yesterday at 11:06 pm. 

Had I met you just a few years before. . . I would have been golden. Nuri sometimes I hear your voice and I swear I know things will be alright. No matter what is going on, your voice soothes me. And sometimes you look at me, and I melt. Literally like a goddamn pile right at your feet. You may not want anything to do with me, but baby I'm yours and I won't miss out on you. We are going to happen Nuri. 

End of messages.

I set the phone back on the nightstand and with a great effort I forced myself out of bed and into the shower. 

For the past week Nathaniel King has taken to calling me at all hours of the night with messages that just break my heart. Since that night when I found that file he had on me, I had  to convince myself every night that he was a no good for me, and every morning I woke up to his ravings and declarations that he and I were going to be together. He was trying to get a reaction out of me, and he was succeeding. I heard the sincerity in his voice, I heard the apology, but I still felt the need to get as far away from him as possible. 

Something about Nathan screamed finality, because with him everything was quick. Fast. Combustive. From the very beginning he told me things. He'd told me he wanted me, and yes, sometimes I believed he more than just wanted me. 

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