XII. Sins of the Past

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Nathaniel's POV

I turned into Nuri's apartment garage and found a parking space easily. No sooner than I put the car in park did she sit up startled grasping my shirt tight for dear life.

"Nuri?" I reached my arm over to sooth my baby. She was obviously coming off of a nasty dream.

"Nathan?" her small voice shaky and nervous as she gathered her surroundings. "Oh thank God."

She said nothing and reached over climbing into my lap and wrapping her arms around me. I responded in kind folding her into me.

"All that silent treatment you were giving me must have tuckered you out. You were out like a light. I didn't have the heart to wake you."

She laughed and wined, "You should have."

"Yes I know I should have." I agreed running my palm over her spine. "Was it a terrible dream?"

"It was awful, and I'm glad it was only a dream."

She was sounding a lot like me after one of my nightmares about Emma. We sat there for a minute in silence as she calmed and I drew soft circles on her back. She had obviously been upset with me for the way I trampled all over that red headed Englishman. He was practically swinging his cock around at her and I was not going to stand by and watch.

I never wanted to lose this feeling that we shared in this moment. This girl made me happy in ways I never imagined possible. My possessiveness of her had no limit.

"You know you were amazing at work today," I told her hoping to make her feel better. "You must have been so tired and needed a rest."

"I think Maggie took it easy on me," she said and pulled away from me to place herself back in the passenger seat. "Work can't be that easy."

"Has it ever occurred to you that after months of hiding out, work is just a cake walk now? You should accept that you are just too good at what you do."

She gave me a very-funny- look and moved to arrange herself in my mirror. It's amazing how comfortable she's gotten with me now that things were settled between us. She gave herself a once over in the over head mirror.

God, I could spend all my days just staring at her if I could.

Today when I saw her leaving with her new co-workers I got curious and followed her to the Thai Restaurant. My jealousy got the best of me, and it's a wonder she didn't see me in there hovering in the corner. I wished we could have enjoyed that experience together.

"Did you forget our little arrangement this evening?" I asked playing with some of her curls. Her hair has always fascinated me, and when she slept I found myself messing in it.

"I did not forget Mr. King," she said gathering her things.

"And where is it we're going?

"That sir is a surprise, remember when you said to surprise you?"

I pouted. "So not even a hint?"

She shook her head with mock concern. "You are just gong to have to wait and see. It's a casual thing nothing fancy and I am 1000% sure you are going to fall in love with it."

Much like I've fallen in love with you? "A 1000% huh, you are that sure?"


I sighed and leaned back into the seat. "Pick you up in a few hours than?"

Nuri reached over an set a kiss on my cheek. "Seven is perfect."

My sweet Nuri stepped out of the car her absence hitting me hard already. I watched her hips sway as she headed for the elevator.

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