X. Thai Times

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The four of us made out way into the red topped building with the sign above it that read Siam House. The glass windows were lined with black horizontal shades, and rather than having flowers to add to the curb appeal, they had a garden of rocks in a stream of water like a river. It was novel.

Two women greeted us with their hands together and a bow. We followed suite.

"Welcome to Siam House," the women said in unison. As they carried on about their introduction, I looked around at the decor. It was rich with color and dimly lit with black tables and chairs spread out in the vast space. The ceiling was a blood red, with lively oranges and yellows worked into the wall paintings in an out pour of warmth and spirituality.

They led us to our seats and I stared down at the dark wood floors that were polished to perfection. The spicy scents had my mouth watering and I was ready to eat. The napkin and semi packed as their was room for a few more customers who wanted to dine in. Business was going rather well for them.

They placed us in a corner table. The four of us, being designers, all admired the simplistic arrangements they had. Micheal pulled my chair out for me and I sat. "Thank you," I said, placing my bag on the handle.

"You're quite welcome," he said sitting across from me.

"Who's idea was it to pick this place?"

"That would be Michael," Naomi said accepting the cloth napkin from Johnathan. "He seems to always find the new places."

"I have to keep an eye out for new venues. Savoie is booming right now," Michael said unraveling his napkin. "Besides, Boss Lady has successfully steered us into the right of way and we ought to celebrate."

"That's right," Johnathan added. "We didn't know what to expect when they hired us last week. Ms. St. James is cool and all, but she intimidates the shit out of me. And Ms. Hart, you actually make us feel like we are all on the same level. I like that."

I shook my head. "Okay, let's get one thing straight. All that Ms. Hart business, I hate it. Who told you guys to call me that? It's Nuri plain and simple. I call you guys by your first names, call me by my first name sheesh."

The two women who greeted us returened with menues.

"What are we having to drink?" one asked with pad and pen in hand as the other passed out menues.

"Lemonade." Naomi and Johnathan said together as though they were racing to see who would say it first. They laughed.

"Two lemonades?"

"Yes, make that two lemonades," Johnathan said and reached over to pinch Naomi's hand.

"And for you," she asked me directly.

"Hmmmm," I skimmed the menu. "A pink lemonade maybe."

"We have strawberry lemonade is that alright?"

"It's perfect," I nodded and looked to Michael.

He was watching me intently as he took to nipping at his thumb. He nodded to himself as though he'd fond the answer to some silent question and looked to the woman. "I'll have the mango soda."

He had this habit of staring at me when he thought I wasn't looking. I didn't know if this was just a nervous habit of his or not. I would often catch him watching Naomi as well, so I chalked it up to him having an affinity for women in general. He was very handsome in that European way.

For appetizers we had the Thai Calamari, lightly battered and deep fried, served with a tangy hot Thai Sauce.

As we sat over our main meals we got to talking. We had a whole hour for break and wanted to milk it for what it was worth.

Disturbance: A King's Hart Novel Book 2 (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now