V. All In

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I buried my face into his neck and heard him groan as he started for the bed. Laying me on my back, he stared down at my body, lust and hunger behind his firey gaze. He very deliberatly lowered his body onto mine.

His lips were soft in contrast to his goatee and his tongue, like velvet, met mine in an instant stoking over every part of my mouth. Tangling with my tongue. Sucking my bottom lip. Getting inside me deep.

Nathaniel took control of my body and I let him. 

Bringing him closer, I pressed my breast against his tight muscles longing to be closer than what was humanly possible. He was all man, so strong and firm that he couldn't be real. But he was real, he was here and alive in the flesh. 

He held my face on both sides so that I couldn't get away from the attack of his tongue.

He didn't have to do that. I wasn't going anywhere.

My reaction to this man was a weakness. It has always been. It was a wonder that I had put a up fight for as long as I did. I wanted this man from the start and now that I had him here with me. . . I just could not see me ever letting him go. His hand left my cheek and rested at my breast cradling it with care. I was a damp mess between my legs and I wondered if he could sense it.

"You smell like heaven. Fucking sweet chocolate heaven," he moaned and again, he rained more kisses down on me.

Sweet Jesus.

"Thank you forgiving me Ms. Hart. I'll make it up to you," he said and I felt my belly flop down low with an ache.

I nodded at him unable to do anything else and whispered, "It's okay Mr. King."

I was totally under his spell, and was pretty sure he knew it. He was so intense and my poor brain tried to take it all in. His hands went to the hem of my dress and he lifted it over my head. I raised my arms to help him.

His hands roamed my nipples, his thumbs circling each softly, gently. I ached for him and I could barely keep still any longer. His lips covered my nipples and all conscious thought left my body and kept on going. His tongue swirled over each bud alternating between little scrapes of teeth only to be followed by soft stroking of his tongue to soothe what he'd done.  

His goatee was rough, his lips and tongue were soft, they had me ready to orgasm right then and there just from what he was doing.

"Nathaniel," I leaned into his caress.

"Oh, I know baby, let me take care of you."

My hands were at his chest caressing the taunt muscles there. 

I touched my lips to the middle of his chest, and he held onto me like he never wanted to let go. His hands and lips slipped down to my hips and legs and my body reacted accordingly. He kissed me right above the hem of my panties shooting me a wanton glance. My belly did another flip and the throbbing ache between my legs got stronger.

Slipping his fingers under the edge of my panties, he drew downward. I raised my hips to help him, and just like that, they were off of me. 

He stared at my pussy, bared to his eyes, and made an urgent primal noise. He looked up at me again. "Nuri. You're so beautiful I can't. . . fuck- - I can't wait." His hands spread around my hips and he pulled me into his mouth, my sex right up against his lips. I shivered at the intimacy of it all. Waves of red hot passion nearly blinded me as I waited for what came next. 

His soft tongue rolled over my clit and my folds and caressed. His goatee pricked at my sensitive flesh as I writhed and writhed against his lips and tongue. I would cum any second and just like Nathaniel, there was no stopping it the force. 

"You are going to make me cum doing that," I struggled to say.

"Cum baby. Let me drink it all in. I'm starving for you," he said slipping his long fingers inside me and started stroking. "So warm and tight," he rasped and went to work some more. I felt the rush, the tightening and ache rising up.

"Cum for me than, cum right in my mouth."

I did like he ordered me. Nathaniel took me to the brink of destruction and brought me back, keeping me anchored to him as I rode the waves of blissful ecstasy. 

"Mmmmh," he murmured lapping everything I offered. 

He kneeled above me and waited for my eyes to meet his and said, "I'm going to fuck you in this bed, on that  kitchen table, the floor, against the walls." His hand disappeared in his briefs and he stroked himself. "Are you ready for me?"

I giggled blushing at the images of him doing just what he said he would."Than I think I am going to need a bigger apartment."

Disturbance: A King's Hart Novel Book 2 (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now