XI. Paradise Lost

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The rest of the work day zipped by with my trio of busy workers flying about trying to accomplish as much as possible until the very last minute. Maggie was pleased with out work and the higer ups at King Industries approved our illustrations. That meant that we could get started on King's Court and I'd be that much closer to getting back to my home for good.

Right as the five o'clock buzzer went off on my phone, I logged out of the company's system and shut the computer down so that I might pack my things. In my head I was picking apart outfits for tonight. Naomi and Johnathan were walking hand in hand towards the elevator and said a quick goodbye. Naomi shooting me a fancy wink and kiss as she passed.

She was a nice girl. She didn't really probe too much and listened as I poured my soul out to her. She gave me some great advice about my predicament and I was going to listen to her.

        "You ready to bust out of the place?" Michael whispered over my semi wall looking to left and right in mock stealth. "I'll run interference while you make a run for it yeah? I think I can take the big bloke in security."

        I waved my hand at him. "No worries mate, " I imitated his accent. "I've got a secret escape route that no one knows of."

        "You devilish woman."

        "Yeah," I snickered throwing my bag over my shoulder. "They'll be none the wiser."

He hummed amused at my humor. "Have you got a ride home? I don't mind taking you if haven't."

I went to tell him I did, but Nathaniel glided in beside him. 

        "Ms. Hart," he said my name in a low rumble. "I just wanted to come down here and thank you personally for all your hard work. I think you might find that King's Court will be ahead of schedule."

Michael snorted.  Oh no. Not good.

Nathaniel looked over at him with a raised brow. He clapped his hand on Michael's shoulder. The men was the same height, but Nathaniel's build was beyond Micheal's' limitations.

            "And you are?"

        "Micheal Humes Mr. King," he said squaring his shoulders and holding his hand out for a shake. 

Nathaniel ignored it and stepped in beside me. I never pegged him to be the rude type. Appearances and all that jazz. 

I gave him a stern look and he pressed his lips together as he snaked his arm around my waist. 

        "All of you have done  marvelous job and we are all grateful," he said looking to Michael who was about ten shades of red now. 

        "Nuri is a great leader," he said with a stammer. "She keeps us on our toes."

        "I'm sure she does," Nathaniel agreed and stroked my cheek with his free hand. "You ready to go home baby?"

        "Actually I was tying to get some things in place for tomorrow morning." I told him in a clipped tone. He was trampling over Michael in the metaphorical sense of the word and I hated it. 

        "I'll wait for you." He said and took his hold off of me. 

        "I'll be going than. See you tom morrow Nuri," he said waving at me. He smirked at Nathaniel. "Mr. King."

        "Mr. Humes," he replied rigidly.

When Michael was safely away on the elevator. I walked over and pinched Nathaniel's arm. 

Disturbance: A King's Hart Novel Book 2 (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now