VI. Just Go With It

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I awoke with Nathaniel's warm breath across my face and his strong arms wrapped around me in a tight vice grip. My face was buried in his chest and I was effectively plastered  to him. He had kept his promise and completely ravished me on every possible surface in here. I was beyond satisfied.

As a woman, you only ever dreamed to meet the kind of guy who would make you feel like the only woman in the world, and Nathan did just that. Other people probably got to see the ruthless business man that took no shit from anybody, while I got to see the man behind the business suit. The man who wore briefs and had the body of a god.

Running my hands over his bare chest, I reveled in the contrast of our skin tone. His lighter skin against my darker skin was  yet another reminder that he was like nothing I'd ever encountered in my life before. He was so different from what I was used to. I didn't want to let my mind fall back to Michigan but it was apart of my past.

A low rumble began under his chest and vibrated through my palm as beads of sweat formed at his forehead. His eyes were racing under his lids and his breathing became heavier. My King was on a brink of a nightmare.

I needed to wake him, but before I could he mumbled and groaned almost in pain. 

"Don't blame me. Don't you fucking blame me Emma. Not. My. Fault." His harsh words tore through me and there was that Emma name again. Who was she that she had such a hold over him?

"Nathan," I said trying to pull out of his grip. He wasn't budging.

"Damn you, I wanted things to work. I wanted them to- -,"

He was getting restless now, so I flattened my hand on his chest and shook him harder calling out louder, "Nathaniel. Wake up!"

His eyes blinked open on a heavy gasp and his immediate reaction was to  tuck me in closer to his body. How much closer could I get?

"Nathan." I managed to say on an exhale. 

He gave us enough space so that he could look down at me. The turmoil in his eyes was apparent and nearly broke my heart. I was a stranger for a split second, than the realization hit him and he recognized me.  "Nuri?" he spoke my name and squeezed my shoulder tight.

"Yeah. You were dreaming," I said and drew soothing circles over his chest, his heart was still pounding hard against it.

He rolled onto his back and the apartments cool air hit my front chasing away the heat his body created. I welcomed it. 

'More like a nightmare baby."

"You want to talk about it?" I offered him expectantly. "I'm really good at interpreting dreams you know."

"Is that right?" he asked and pressed his fingers into his eyes as he rubbed.

"I really am. It's a talent I picked up in my younger days. I've yet to steer people in the wrong direction."

"You don't want to know my dreams Nuri, trust me."

He chuckled and I turned into his side not wanting to let this go, but he turned away and sat with his back to me on the opposite side of the bed. The E.R.K. tattoo stared me blankly in the face. Something I wasn't sure what, hung over us and filled the space between us. It made him seem unattainable. 

Something told me, this Emma character was the thing that kept him from me. I needed to know everything. My heart was telling me to just ask him straight out, but my mind said to stick it out and wait from him to open up about it in his own way. 

Besides there was no need to pick a fight when we just got back to whatever this was now between us.

I chewed on my bottom lip as I stared a the tattoo. This man has two days before he has to explain himself if that, I decided completely disregarding the rational and logical part of me. 

Disturbance: A King's Hart Novel Book 2 (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now