Part One ~Neveah Hayes~

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I'm counting the seconds on the clock. Only five more minutes till school will be out. In ten minutes I will be leaving for the weekend, away from the daily hel school is for me.

'5, 4, 3, 2, 1' as soon as the bell rings I get my stuff and almost run to my locker. I get some books and my jacket out off it. I decide to go to the toilet before leaving, but as soon as I leave the toilet to wash my hands I have regrets. Next to me are the 3 most popular girls of my school.

'Hé, look who we have her, it's slutty Neveah.'

'You must think you are worth something, you think you are better than us just because you have a relationship with Calum.'

'I don't know why he would date someone like you, fat cow. You're so ugly and awful.'

'Why don't you leave, you are nothing worth. Kill yourself bitch.'

I ignore their mean comments and rush to my car. But I'm not safe yet. My car is in the middle of the parking lot and there are people everywhere. As I walk to my car many people make mean comments towards me.

'Look, it's the ugly witch of the school.'

'I don't get why a celebrity who can get so many girls would date you, he must be blind or something.'

'Do you try to look so slutty as possible on purpose, or does it come natural?'           

I ignore it and get in my car. I turn it on and drive away from school. I get a text message and you look at my phone, scared it will be another mean thing. But it's Calum, my boyfriend. He asked me yesterday to spend the weekend at the house he shares with his bandmates and I agreed. He is asking me if I'm already on my way. I text that I just left school. I'm only halfway there when suddenly tears start to fall from my eyes. I feel that I'm going to have a panick attack after al the means things that have been said to me today. I put my car to the side of the small road and let my emotions go out. Thank God it's friday, I'm  so sick of the bullying every single day. I don't tell any one about it. I don't want other people to get hurt for me. Instead of telling anybody. I've found another way to cope with my feelings. To forget about everything that has happened. I wipe my tears away and take my bag. I get some books out of it and on the bottem I find what I was looking for. A small razor blade. I get it out of the box it's in and put it to my wrist. When the blood appears I am finally able to breath normal again. It hurts, but it's nothing compared to the hurt I feel every day because of the bullying. It's nothing compared to the hunger I feel in my stomach every day. I lose weight because I hope that will take away one bad thing of me, one thing less to bully. But I cut to forget about it, to not feel the mental pain its causing.

Let me love you, until you learn to love yourself- Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now