Chapter 12

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"So, that's that? You guys fought again about Harry?" Zayn asking with disbelief. We already talked about this but it just keeps happening and happening again. I think I'm the one being an asshole here, not Louis nor Harry and definitely not Zayn. Yes, I know that I don't listen to any advice when it comes to Harry because I want my own perspective to criticize him. So that's why shit comes and goes, messes up my life and just happens again and again.

"Pretty much, that's what happened last night after you left."

"Jesus Christ. What's gotten into you, Lexi?" He said, trying his best to lower his voice so that people won't hear our argument early in the morning.

"I honestly don't know Zayn! He just came into my life and now, my life's a fucked up mess and I don't know what to do anymore! Tell me, tell me exactly what's gotten into me." I sighed, slouching back in the couches here in the common room.

He sighed, "I also don't know. This whole situation is rubbish. It just goes round and round, with no end. It keeps repeating and it's fucking up your life! I don't like seeing you struggle with your life about Harry so fuck him and let's go to school. Come on, we're gonna be late." He rolled his eyes and picked my bag then we went out of the building towards the car park. He drove all the way from his subdivision to Liberty Gardens to talk to me what happened last night. Apparently, Louis left me, not giving me a lift today. I purely understand because of the misunderstanding we had last night. It's such a great time that Zayn showed up, so that I won't freeze walking 17 minutes to school in the middle of September. 

A few minutes later, we already arrived at uni. We got out of the car and proceeded to the main gate. Just in time, the bells already rang, signalling for first period to start. We hurried our pace and walked with the hurrying students throughout the busy hallways of Cardiff University.

We were on our last period for the morning, and it's finally lunch time. Days passed by quickly and it's already Friday, the last day of this week. Finally, I'll be having some time alone inside my bedroom and I'll try my best to fix these shit currently happening in my life. Ever since Harry came barging in my life, I believe I'll never be the same again. sigh.

"The marketing mix is the set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that a company uses to produce a desired response from its product. It consists of everything that a company can do to influence demand for its product. It is also a tool to help marketing planning and execution. The marketing mix can be divided into four groups of variables commonly known as the four Ps: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. So in order for you to understand this topic properly, I want you to research about what these four Ps actually mean. Also the marketing tools and marketing strategies." Professor Jones said, making me scribble all of what she blabbered about. Actually the class was a bit of interesting and made me listen to every word she said. She left some tips and some quotes for us to be inspired to make our business. And it was absolutely interesting.

The bell rang making us know that classes are finally over, Professor Jones said something one last time before she released us to go home straight and call it a day.

"I will be conducting an oral presentation on what you have researched and please do make it in a serious way because half your grade will be from that presentation. You have five days because we don't have Business class until Wednesday. So I don't want any excuses for you to don't have a presentation to present. That will be all and enjoy your weekend, class!" We bid goodbye and packed out our things and left the room. That's kind of stressful though, but I think it's gonna be fun conducting research about those she mentioned.

"Wanna come over to my apartment? We'll work it out together." I offered to Zayn, who was casually drinking his soda and listening to some music from his phone. His rucksack was lazily slung over his shoulders, which also has a blue varsity jacket worn over. 

"Sure, I won't be able to do it alone. It's stressful and I'm sure my presentation will be absolute crap if you're not gonna help me." He said, making us both laugh and giggle at each other. We were on our way out the main doors when my phone rang, revealing the caller ID.

Calling: boobear. . .

"You should answer it, must be important." Zayn sighed, and looked at me and gave me a sympathetic look. I finally gave in and pressed the green button and answered Lou's call.


"Hey, are you already out?"

"Yeah, me and Zayn were just heading out campus, why?"

"I was just wondering if I can take you out today? I'll give you your favourite Bubble Boba and some fries." 

"Are you serious? Don't joke at me like that Louis." My tone came out as an excited one, although part of me believed that he's just joking because he never took me out and eat out with some fries and bubble boba which are my favourites.

"No, absolutely not. I'm trying to keep it up with you on what happened last night. So, are you up?" 

"Of course! I'll wait for you at SU Lounge. Bye!"

"Alright, I'll pick you up, bye Lex, love you."

"Love you too." He hanged up the phone and I almost squealed in front of many people surrounding Cardiff University. Finally, I'm gonna taste bubble boba now. It's been a long time since I drank milktea and I'm dying for thoseee ugh.

"Zayn, is it okay for me not to come home with you? Louis' gonna take me out for some bubble boba today."

"Well yeah of course! That's great news, Louis finally reaching out to you after your argument last night. Are you sure you're gonna walk to there? I can go the other way around if you'd like me to drop you off. It's freezing."

"Thanks Zayn, but I can manage. It's only a five minute walk. I'll get going now. Bye!" I kissed his cheeks and bid my goodbye.

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