Chapter 10

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As I entered the room, Zayn was there, waiting peacefully for me and listening to some music from his phone and sitting by the bed. He was so cosy back there, cloaked up with my fluffy comforter and surrounded with my pillows and some throw pillows from the couch. When I came close to his direction, I was gobsmacked that he was actually sleeping! I really felt bad, having him here all by himself while me and Harry were doing something really inappropriate just outside the corridor of my room. Well, I praise him for not coming outside, because he might actually see something that he'll regret for the rest of his life. Well, enough of that, I eliminated the headphones from his ears and whispered at him;

"Got really caught up while I was gone, eh?" I joked, making disturbances from his once peaceful sleep. You know Zayn, he gets really disappointed when he's being woken up from his sleep. He's a very deep sleeper. 

He flickered his beautiful and long lashes for me to see his gorgeous hazel eyes, brows scrunched together in annoyance, "Well, yeah, if you didn't come in and bothered me." He sarcastically remarked.

I rolled my eyes playfully and went inside the covers for me to get cosy as well, grabbing the leftover chocolates and popcorn from the bedside table. I later on turned on the tv and searched for interesting brit shows. 

"Of course I'm joking. So how did it go with Harry outside? Did it got all heated up?" He smirked and raised his brows jokingly, making me slap his arm. My cheeks flushed, feeling all the blood inside me raise up to my cheeks. Probably I'm looking like an overly ripe tomato because of the redness of my cheeks. Damn you, Zen.

"Oh shut up, it's not what you think. We were just having a casual conversation and yeah, that's... all? I think?" My statement came out as a question, wow, very impressive of you, Alexis.

"I know you're hiding something from me, Lex. You did kiss him, didn't you?" Uh oh. 

"You're not saying this to anyone, right?" 

"I won't, I promise." He smiled, giving me encouragement to tell the truth. Got no other choice, so I just nodded, words not coming out from my numb mouth.

"I knew it was going to happen in the first place though. Knowing Harry, he always gets what he really wants." He sighed, leaning on my shoulder.

"I just want to tell you that, you need to be careful when you're with him, Lex. Lord knows I've tried convincing you to stay away from him, even your family warned you about being together with him. I'm not against you with Harry but the damage's done now and I can't do anything about it, all I can do is support you with whatever decision you'll make with your life. You're a grown woman now and I trust you with all my heart, whether I like it or not. I'll support you and that's a promise. I trust you because you're my best friend." I smiled with his little speech about me picking Harry despite his bad reputation. Zayn's the perfect person you can talk with in these kind of situation and I can say that I'm lucky enough to have him as my best friend. He's just so understanding and all, he knows your weaknesses, your source of strength, your secrets, your ups and downs, just everything about you. And I love him for being that way—being that kind of best friend you know you'll need along the journey in life.

When 7 pm strikes in the clock, he decided to go home because we still have school tomorrow. I gave him a hug before he headed towards the door. Now I'm alone, and I'm guessing Louis just had a dinner date with Eleanor. I spent the next hour browsing through my social media platforms and just binge watched 13 Reasons Why because IT CAME OUT TODAY! So it basically saved me from dragging my feet to the fourth floor and kill some time with Harry which is a really bad idea. Who knows what Louis will do when he finds out that I'm not in my bedroom and dragged my arse upstairs with the guy he doesn't like? 

At around 8:30, I decided to do my usual night routine, I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a bun. Afterwards, I placed my sportsband on top of my head to prevent baby hairs falling out and make their way towards my face, and I don't want that because I'm going to wash my face now with some facial scrub to keep the dirty oils away. So after that, I arranged all the mess Zayn left, which are actually throw pillows on my bed, pop corn kernels on the carpet and my comforter hanging from my bed and basically touching my bedroom floor. Obviously, I needed to clean those all. 

After I finished all my business, I went out my bedroom and decided to check on what Louis was doing. But, as I went and turned the knob, I was aghast when a fuming Louis Tomlinson greeted me in this very late at night. 

"We need to talk. Come inside. NOW." 

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