Chapter 15

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Later that evening, we arrived at Alfie's house and was greeted by blinding lights and deafening music. Bottles of hard liquor were sprawled all over the lawn, and some people went out of the house, literally out of balance and started throwing up all over the front yard. Oh dear Lord, I hope Harry's not gonna be like this when we get home, because I don't know what to do. This is basically my first ever house party.

"Love, you're really teasing me with that dress, aren't you?" Harry said as I was unbuckling my seat belt and was about to get out of the car. I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"Well, I wasn't thinking that thing. Maybe if you are teased, then Eleanor really did a great job on my outfit for tonight." I winked at him and got my purse and phone. Harry laughed and got out of the car and opened the passenger door for me. He offered his hand out for me, making me blush with the kind gesture. He locked all the doors of the car and we then later on walked up to the front door of the house. Harry knocked and then revealed a Liam Payne greeting us with a warm welcome and let us in through the house.

As we entered the house, people were constantly staring at us. Gobsmacked eyes drifted towards our gaze and it made me feel anxious. The thought of all the people in this house may be or may not be judging us made my mind go crazy. It made me uncomfy, knowing I don't even know who these people are. I hardened my grip on Harry's hand, making him look at me.

"What's wrong? Is something or someone bothering you?" He asked.

"It's just that, people's gazes are making me uncomfortable. Are they really like this?" 

He chuckled before answering me, " Well, they're probably gobsmacked because I've brought a brand new girl at a house party, you don't have to be afraid, they're not gonna bite." I was caught off guard of what he said. Does he really bring different girls when he parties?  I admit, I'm a bit hurt of what he said because I thought he has really change but people don't really change what they were before for a person they like in the present. That's just some cliché concept on a love story or a movie, pfft. 

"Hey, it's not what you think. You're the first girl I've brought this year. I've never been to any parties lately. It's been a year since that happened and they probably didn't get over it. I'm sorry if you're thinking like that, I promise you, I didn't bring any other girls and I don't plan on bringing others except you."

"No, it's okay. I'm the one who should be sorry. I'm sorry, Harry." He nodded and offered me a kiss on my forehead. I didn't know that a bad boy has actually carry a soft spot when it comes to people they love. Wait, does he really love me?

"I'm gonna get some drinks. What do you prefer, love?" He asked as he lets go off his grip on my waist. 

"A vodka with coke. I'm pretty basic, I know."

"Aww, it's alright. Just sit here and wait for me, I'll be back very soon." He said and I smiled, nodding as I sit down on a leather couch. A notification made my phone lit up, letting me know someone had texted me. I typed in my phone password and the picture of me and Harry drinking milktea popped up, showing my home screen.

I clicked on the iMessage button, checking out on who texted me earlier. I was really gobsmacked, knowing that it was Zayn who texted me, 3 minutes ago. He was asking me if I was still down on making the Marketing project with him. Fuck. I completely forgot about it! I feel bad, knowing Zayn must've hoped that I'm gonna be free for the rest of the night and help him with his project on Marketing. I texted him back, saying sorry and letting him know that I'm not free tonight.

The night goes by and I'm on my third drink of vodka. We are currently sitting on a large circle, casually chatting 'round with some party goers. I am sat in between Harry's lap with Liam on our right and Niall on the left. They were saying something about things I can't hear clearly because of the blending of the deafening music and me, being a bit drunk. Harry's chin settled on my shoulder, feeling his slight intoxication. But not as intoxicated as I am right now.

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