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"We must let go of the life we have planned so as to accept the one waiting for us"


It was a strange feeling sitting beside this man whom I met only yesterday and married just a few hours ago. There were three more cars behind us. I think they were for Dante's men. The vehicle which we were traveling in was on a different level of strangeness. I thought cars were all the same or the trucks which I have seen in my village two to three times. But this had a room of its own. It was very long and black. The outer structure was shiny. It was flat too. The internal of the car was very large. It has stars on the ceiling of the car.  The seats are soft and big too. At least fifteen-twenty people should accommodate in this.  

To add to the effect this man did not stop molesting me even for a second.

"M-Mr. Marcello, please stop harassing me", I spoke out the words with irritation. He stopped rubbing my thighs for a second before continuing again. I heaved a sigh. 

He was sitting so close to me that I was half on him and half on the seat. He had his hand wrapped around me tightly. Even though the other side of the car was completely empty he insisted on sitting close to me. He stroked my arms, stomach, and thighs in a serial manner. He was unbelievable. I gasped at the sensation I felt when he touched the bare skin on my stomach causing me to blush.

The car was a little bit cold inside making me wonder why. My clothing did not help it. I was a tidbit thankful for Dante's hand that was covering my waist preventing me from cold. Just a tidbit. Even though it was there for an entirely different purpose but it was still helpful. 

My grandma says to be thankful for even the smallest things in life so I'm thankful for it which is doing a little job to prevent from the upcoming heart attack due to the anxiety I was feeling.

We were sitting in this car for about half an hour now. I did not know where we going. Dante had ordered his men the destination which was unknown to me. Even if I knew it wouldn't help my situation since the only place I have known in my 20 years of life was my village. Nothing else. 

I was worried when will he leave me? What will he do to me? These questions were eating me from inside.

Dante was discussing something with a man who had brown hair and green eyes. He was sitting on the opposite seat to ours. In between, lay different types of bottles. They would be alcohol of course I presume. The brown-haired man popped open a bottle from a designer table which had all the bottles resting on it. He gulped it down in one motion. I could not describe the clothing of his, curse my lack of knowledge, just black pants and black shirt of good quality as of Dante's. They were talking in some foreign language.

"W-What will I-I have to do?", I asked with a new found strength in me.
Both of their eyes landed on me.

"Well whatever a wife does for her husband", was Dante's reply. I took a deep breath. He has not answered even one question of mine properly.

My whole life I only listened to people ordering me around. But I never got angry. Because anger takes you away from God. Here he was acting all normal and cool ignoring my questions with an all-time smug look. It was making me angry in a very little amount of time.

"I am not your wife. I have to go back to my grandma as soon as possible. I-i will clean your house every day to pay off the debt"

A debt which was not even mine. Which I did not even know how much was it. Which I foolishly took upon me. Which did not even save a life. Recalling the dead body which might still be rotting in that house made me look up at Dante, the killer in disgust.

Of course, my request went on deaf ears. But my glare made him look at me. His expressions turned to one of amused.

He came even closer to me crushing me between him and the car's door. He took my chin in his hands and brought my face closer to his. He kissed me softly on the lips making my eyes flutter.

"This is no longer about the debt doll. You don't understand how serious this is. I want you", he whispered close to my mouth. My ever running heartbeat started beating faster.

"Maybe I can drill that into your mind after we consummate our marriage, hmm?"

Consummate. I have heard that word which the married people use. My eyes widened like potatoes. Couldn't he possibly be talking about that? I shook my head. No. No. No. No. No.

"It is impossible. We both are men. Even the marriage is not countable", I spoke out with frustration clear in my voice. Why doesn't he understand?

"Oh Doll, dear it is very much possible. I can't fucking wait to show you that", he said shutting me off with a hard kiss. 


Love from pumpkin ; )

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