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"Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will"


Gabe's POV,

I thought I won't be able to sleep with a dead body a few meters away from me. It was so suffocating. The smell and the mosquitoes. The dark room was not helping it. I knew it would haunt me for days. These things never go away. I was so afraid. There was silence all around me. Just some mouse squeaking or a cat crying could be heard. At some point, I even felt something pass from my legs. It was all his fault.

At some point, I think I slept because I was woken up by a sound of the door rattling. There were loud noises of people outside. It was time ......for my punishment.

Some people entered the hut and started untying me. These were the people with whom I have spent my whole life until now. They have seen me grow up but none of them spoke for me, stood up for me. My tears had dried up and were like makeup on my face. I don't think there would be more tears left. My lips were rough and throat parched. I doubt they would give me some water. Still, I should try.



The men ignored me and yanked me up pushing me outside where the leader stood. I fell at his feet by the force of the push.

"Se lever" (Get up)

Mr. Darius shouted poking his shoes on my cheeks.

I slowly got up. My muscles protesting my actions.

"Il est temps de ta punition" (It's time for your punishment)

"s'il vous plaît laissez-moi voir ma grand-mère"

(P-please just let me see my grandma)

"tais-toi!" , he shouted enraged. (Shut up!)"Vous avez enfreint les règles, ce qui signifie que vous avez insulté notre culture. Pourtant, vous avez le courage de demander quelque chose?"

(You have broken the rules which means you have insulted our culture. Still, you have the guts to ask for anything?)

"Père, souviens-toi de l'affaire", Roman said to his father. Deal?

(Father remember the deal)

Roman stepped forward towards me making me fall down again. I was yanked up by the people.

"Je vais décider de sa punition"

(I will decide his punishment)

I felt my heart beat drop.

I felt a stinging pain on my left side of the face. He slapped me with a smug look on his face. He turned towards the crowd hiding me from their view. He was pretty tall but still shorter than that dangerous man.

"Comme vous le savez tous, en tant que prochain jeune leader du culte, je ne voudrais que le bénéfice de mon peuple. Gardant cela à l'esprit, j'ai pensé à une punition pour Gabe. Il nous a fait honte. Ne vaudrait-il pas mieux que nous lui fassions la même chose?"

(As you all know that as the next young leader of the cult I would want only the benefit of my people. Keeping that in mind I have thought of a punishment for Gabe. He has put us to shame. Wouldn't it be better if we did the same to him?)

Oh God! No! I knew it. He would say something like this.
The crowd started chanting in agreement. I looked up at Roman. He had a crazed look on his face.

"La punition sera de 100 coups de fouet sur son dos nu"

(The punishment will be 100 lashes on his naked back)

I inhaled loudly. The men holding me started chaining my arms.

It was inevitable. So I just stood there letting them do their job. The less I protest the faster this will be done.

Once my arms were chained I was pushed on the ground. To my horror, they began removing my shirt.

Then I recalled Roman's words 'naked back'. This was much worse than I thought.

"Arrêtez. Je le ferai", Roman's words gave me shivers. (Stop. I will do that)

And if the smug look on his face told me about the danger coming upon me.

He bent down in front of me. getting close to me he spoke in my ear, "Il reste encore du temps. Vous pouvez éviter cela en m'écoutant"

(There is still time. You can avoid this by just listening to me)

He looked at me as if expecting an answer. I looked him in the eye and answered bravely.

"Lashes sont mieux" (Lashes are better)

There was a look of hurt in his dusty eyes which was soon replaced by anger. He forcefully pulled my shirt as if to rip it apart. But...

"J'aurais dû apporter mon appareil photo pour enregistrer ce porno"

(I should have brought my camera to record this porn)

I looked up at the haunting man from yesterday who stood there tall and proud with a smile on his handsome face.






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